jesus christ ladies, i'v had a few beers come home to see this i am wetting my pants, fu...cking brilliant.
essexboy, its not about been clicky with people on here i dont come on much, its about having a slight clue about what your talking about.
people dont like chancers, like i said i'v been plastering for 7 yrs, i still come on here for advice. i can skim, screed, render ect but i still come here as an in-experienced plasterer. people would have treat you better if you'd hve come on here and been honest and took the advice given to you. like i said earlier.
i dont know if your real or not, but seriously mate.
get labouring for a spread for at least a year, no matter how long it takes you, you will earn more money and a get even better than however good you are.
there's no point in having a van and tools if no fecker will use you because you'v rushed onto thing and fecked some1's job up.
honestly mate, this is the best advice you will get on here.
ahmed - obviously some thing is going wrong somewhere if your fresh work is cracking, take the advice above. there is only so much you can teach yourself.
in times like this being a plasterer and a good plasterer can make all the difference. honestly lads think about it before show your self up in the real world.
sparky123456789 keep up the work, get into stand up part time. dvd out next xmas it will fly of the shelves.
danny - i get the impression that people dont mind newbies, its newbies that come on and basically ask for 10 steps to plaster a wall, you have to remember we all worked hard and learnt from mistakes to get the knowledge we have, we didn't work hard to pass it all on to chancers over a forum.
im all for giving advice to new starters in the trade, really i am. but they cant expect to come on a forum and ask the most basic of questions without raising the odd eyebrow and tell us in the next sentence there of to plaster someone's house next week. its stealing