Is this asbestos?


Well-Known Member
Evening chaps, hope all is well. I’ve been busy at home knocking stuff about for a new kitchen area and got a concern .....

So I’ve dropped an old false ceiling in the utility and I’m knocking out a partition to open up the kitchen/ utility and have one ceiling all at the same level and make a nice big kitchen area. Anyway behind the boiler I’ve got some old wallpaper and behind that a dark board that looks suspect? Is it asbestos? I’ve left it well alone and not disturbed it. I wasn’t in the building trade when asbestos was being used and although I’ve done asbestos training in the past I can’t be sure what product this is behind the boiler. Thoughts?
looking at the fibres could be a heat resistant fibre board made from asbestolux put amask on and bag it up don't worry its not blue asbestos that's the killer
looks to me like asbestos cement board. that was not considered as bad as blue asbestos at the time. i have seen carpenters cutting it with power saws as a cloud of dust got blown down the road.
i would put a mask on , try not to break it up into small pieces, the asbestos fibres have little barbs which if a rouge one got on to you lung can cause problems.
dumping it is a problem and expensive.
Evening chaps, hope all is well. I’ve been busy at home knocking stuff about for a new kitchen area and got a concern .....View attachment 33057View attachment 33058View attachment 33059
So I’ve dropped an old false ceiling in the utility and I’m knocking out a partition to open up the kitchen/ utility and have one ceiling all at the same level and make a nice big kitchen area. Anyway behind the boiler I’ve got some old wallpaper and behind that a dark board that looks suspect? Is it asbestos? I’ve left it well alone and not disturbed it. I wasn’t in the building trade when asbestos was being used and although I’ve done asbestos training in the past I can’t be sure what product this is behind the boiler. Thoughts?

Some council tips will take it if it’s double wrapped in polythene and taped up, worth checking.

Mdf grade disposable dust mask, cheap paper suit and bin it all when you’ve done the job.
Damp the board down before you remove it.

Welcome back :-)
looks to me like asbestos cement board. that was not considered as bad as blue asbestos at the time. i have seen carpenters cutting it with power saws as a cloud of dust got blown down the road.
i would put a mask on , try not to break it up into small pieces, the asbestos fibres have little barbs which if a rouge one got on to you lung can cause problems.
dumping it is a problem and expensive.
I’ve got to be extra careful because wife and little ones in the house, on site I’d get a suit and mask on and soak it down and get on with it.
I’ve got to be extra careful because wife and little ones in the house, on site I’d get a suit and mask on and soak it down and get on with it.
Spray pva on it not brush it. FFP3 mask, suit and tape on laces.

Take no notice of people saying it's not bad, its a killer and don't be mistaken.

Personally if I had no choice and had to remove it. I would get some plastic dust sheets and make a tent around area. Keep garden spray with pva mix in it.spray entire surface ease off, any broken edges spay again while removing. Has to be 1200 gauge plastic wrapped, the second wrap has to be clear to be able to see it's dbl wrapped and clearly marked asbestos. Just buy some bags, dispose of overalls. and mask as contaminated waste also.

When removing overalls roll it off encapsulating dust as you roll. Remove mask last. Wash everything down twice . Rags contaminated waste.

And don't wash clothes with families stuff. Send misses out with kids for the day.
Also shaving foam works well if you have to drill into it.
Pva wall behind it also to seal any particles that have been released.
Don't use standard hover or your family will be eating asbestos.