Is this New Plastic Trowel A Game Changer?

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My 9 year old stainless MT fell off a scaffold a couple of weeks ago and cracked, I was devasted.

Ordered a leather handled refina plastercraft and I am very impressed with it.
This is what she looks like :numberone::musculoso:

Is this New Plastic Trowel A Game Changer?
ffs here we go again blablabla!!!

all these trowels are just FAD trowels great to break a boring day up when sat watching a 1 bag set go off whilst twiddling yer thumbs...

however in the real world when your busting your balls and catching areas seconds before there about to go off there use to nobody...

like I always say when the s**t hits the fan the trowel you need is your gold old no gimmick steel/ carbon trowel end ovvvv!!!!
I even had time to take a selfie for ya...after I had been to get me hair gel in ready for the shot
Is this New Plastic Trowel A Game Changer?
The trowels haven't just been given to people we know - we have given them to a range of people and others have even purchased them so we can make sure the reviews are from the 'free' and purchased spreads
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What about if the blade gets damaged? Is there a replacement or do you have to keep buying new trowels!![emoji12]
Disagree with you there, I find the s*p*r*lex brings back a hit thats going off alot easier than a steel trowel

well il have to disagree right back at yer bud....

2 hands and pressing 17st against the F*****g wall with the aid of wet brush has got me out of shite more times than a wibbly wobbly piece of paper thin blade superglued onto a midget trowel ever will...
Good stuff,I take it the blade not being changeable will be quite strong and durable,and how flexible is it compared to the sf?

It's a very different type of FLEX to be honest. It has the flexibility but also has the firmness and strength required.

Hard to explain but easier to show if you understand what I mean
Why though?? - refina blades are £12 quid each ... very much doubt the new nela will be uder £35
Cause i like the look of it + if its like the s*p*r*lex itl be well made, it prob will be more than the £12 for a refina blade but im not expecting you to buy it for me so why you bothered.
you also need to give them to people who already like plastic otherwise you are trying to convince them to like plastic first and you don't get an honest feedback from what the trowel is actually like :-)

There is a lot of stuff I get sent which I dont like :-)
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