Is this New Plastic Trowel A Game Changer?

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It's a very different type of FLEX to be honest. It has the flexibility but also has the firmness and strength required.

Hard to explain but easier to show if you understand what I mean

Any rough date / month of launch ?? Only asking as I need some new blades but if its soon i'll hang fire and try this as the non foamed blades I use at the mo have to be ordered in from drywalltools
you also need to give them to people who already like plastic otherwise you are trying to convince them to like plastic first and you don't get an honest feedback from what the trowel is actually like :)

There is a lot of stuff I get sent which I dont like :)
Im guessing you dont like reading the instructions for how to operate your mug machine then @Danny
I recieve stuff through the post aswell......Its not that I dont like them I think I just got used to them...BILLS.

(can I have something free please..just for once..please.)
So Ryan or Danny or whoever like plastic trowels. I tried a refina black plastic floppy thing yrs back. And as far as I could see it was only good for a wipe over at the end. It looked nice but it did nothing a steel trowel wouldn't. Be it for time or finish.

Iv seen peiple using super flex nelas and there finish wasn't all that. Maybe the person maybe the trowel.

So what do you think the this new trowel will do differently and what does the nice flex you mention do? And what do u think the advantage of using a plastic is. Aside from just personal preference

Serious question. I have tried and seen different ones used and haven't yet been impressed. I'm open to opinions.

Also please don't just tell me the finish is great. I want to know what it achieves or changes compared to a steel trowel
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So Ryan or Danny or whoever like plastic trowels. I tried a refina black plastic floppy thing yrs back. And as far as I could see it was only good for a wipe over at the end. It looked nice but it did nothing a steel trowel wouldn't. Be it for time or finish.

Iv seen peiple using super flex nelas and there finish wasn't all that. Maybe the person maybe the trowel.

So what do you think the this new trowel will do differently and what does the nice flex you mention do? And what do u think the advantage of using a plastic is. Aside from just personal preference

Serious question. I have tried and seen different ones used and haven't yet been impressed. I'm open to opinions.

Also please don't just tell me the finish is great. I want to know what it achieves or changes compared to a steel trowel
I think it's all about the polishing malarkey as a lot of people do it nowadays. Advantage is you can have an extra trowel on you. I do have a few superflexes, but find myself going back to mt as its just a hassle looking after them and carrying them about. My first sf was best, I quite liked it till fallen apart and blade got nicked, then replaced with new one and hate it with a passion. Before all these sf came into light if I got stuck and needed something flexible I got the Mt gold pool trowel and worked a treat. I have not used a plastic one before, can't see point of it having 10 flexible finishing trowels.
If you need convincing buy one there's always an option to sell it on eBay or pass it on to someone else.
It's a very different type of FLEX to be honest. It has the flexibility but also has the firmness and strength required.

Hard to explain but easier to show if you understand what I mean
I see,being transparent I'm trying to imagine the type of plastic,I don't think it will be like the refina at all which time will only tell if that is a good or bad thing.
Ive used refina but I for one is looking forward to buying one of these if there half as good as the others they will be spot on !the quality of the trowel looks great !
So Ryan or Danny or whoever like plastic trowels. I tried a refina black plastic floppy thing yrs back. And as far as I could see it was only good for a wipe over at the end. It looked nice but it did nothing a steel trowel wouldn't. Be it for time or finish.

Iv seen peiple using super flex nelas and there finish wasn't all that. Maybe the person maybe the trowel.

So what do you think the this new trowel will do differently and what does the nice flex you mention do? And what do u think the advantage of using a plastic is. Aside from just personal preference

Serious question. I have tried and seen different ones used and haven't yet been impressed. I'm open to opinions.

Also please don't just tell me the finish is great. I want to know what it achieves or changes compared to a steel trowel
I have used plastic,ss flex and used them both together with some good results,I don't polish any of my work,Plaziflex bring less water to the surface
Though I'm not sure that this will be the case with the new nela with the type of plastic used we will have to see.
I have used plastic,ss flex and used them both together with some good results,I don't polish any of my work,Plaziflex bring less water to the surface
Though I'm not sure that this will be the case with the new nela with the type of plastic used we will have to see.

Ok. So less water is brought to the surface. What does that do/achieve?
Is your set shorter?
well il have to disagree right back at yer bud....

2 hands and pressing 17st against the F*****g wall with the aid of wet brush has got me out of shite more times than a wibbly wobbly piece of paper thin blade superglued onto a midget trowel ever will...
Haha fair enough, I've only got 10 and a half stone to press against the wall so a wibbly wobbly piece of paper thin metal keeps the look going!
Hope its as stiff as the non foamed refina blades ... never tried the foam ones but the non foamed aren't far off a s*p*r*lex imo if used at a closed angle all be it a tad later than using a s*p*r*lex on your set ...
And as I said previously iv used the refina big black flimsy one that came out years ago. Are these quite different from that ?
hard to explain @nickelarse

It just works... :D

The only downside is the nicks...

I'm sure it does work. Honestly I'm not debating that. I'm just intrigued why if you can get a finish with a steel trowel why you would change to a plastic.
Is it for speed. Is the finish better. Is it easier. Or like price said little to no water?
Just wondering why I would pay for and change trowel if what I do currently is good enough
I've always been a big fan of plastic and have a great system, only use water on the edges. Yes you can finish a set quicker cos your not wetting up And the finish is all same colour no marks. I don't know about these new ones (nela) cos I haven't seen or used them. I would be a good person to review though [emoji106][emoji23]
I dont think it makes the set any quicker... Makes it easier to get on it earlier though and you use less water... like the s*p*r*lex really...

I do as and when finish with a normal trowel just to keep my hand in :D
I will refresh my mind next week when I use it again :-) Been a long time since I used a plastic trowel other than doing a stair winder last year
Ok. It's just a little confusing for me. As you've probably gathered I use a steel trowel. A hit of 2 bags ish takes just over 2 hours on board. I use little to no water. I trowel it wet. The finish is a consistent colour with no marks.
Which is kinda what everyone is saying about the plastics. So how would this or any other plastic trowel improve or help my plastering ?
Ok. It's just a little confusing for me. As you've probably gathered I use a steel trowel. A hit of 2 bags ish takes just over 2 hours on board. I use little to no water. I trowel it wet. The finish is a consistent colour with no marks.
Which is kinda what everyone is saying about the plastics. So how would this or any other plastic trowel improve or help my plastering ?

It would make your elbow hurt less :-)
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