New Member
When i started i was a labourer, and i earn't nearly the same as the spread, as i was a good labourer. I never put anything on the wall for years. But i grasped the fact, clean buckets, wet the board etc, how to load there hawks while there up a ladder. So i worked hard, as a labourer, and got paid, as near as damn it, the same as the plasterers. They were getting around £90 each and me £70, if we finished at 1pm that was a bonus. Today i'd make a brilliant labourer too, as i know what i want as a a plasterer. I work sometimes with a friend who's a spread, he's about 55, but when we do a job with two plasterers, i do ALL the labouring and on the trowel too. And what i do is f@cking hard work. I wish a labourer would be like this today....rather than texting, facebooking, talking to there birds on the phone...Thats why i do it myself!