large ceiling roses, how to fit.

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hi lads, sorry if in wrong category please MOD move if so.

just a quick bit of help, been asked to fit 2 rather large and heavy ceiling roses end of week, on fresh plaster ceilings. ill tell you my method i was going to take as fitted few before but nothing as big!

watery pva to kill the suction , find center of room with string lines etc.... use plasterboard adhesive, find a joist after marking out the diameter of the rose with the center of room and pre-drill 2-3 holes in rose, stick up and screw few long screws in pinch tight, prob counter sink so i can pinch and fill in one.

does this sound about right?? as i also do minor coving jobs but am always worried about the product falling down due to poor key and weight, only 1 job has in the past but i learnt and keyed up the paint next time lol

if anyone has any tips as im scared i may crack it while drilling holes for screws and/or the weight just in general and making sure its fixed.

cheers guys
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the method we use is similar to yours, but we do not pva any area,
we use ceramic tile adhesive, big headed screws, make sure they are of the correct length , we would support the rose with a piece of timber with some softener for protection to the rose.
we would dril the holes into the rose on a temp. bench, never broke one yet. i may prep it on my own but always get someone to help me fit it.
As above but also mark where the rose will sit and give a key on the ceiling using a board knife.
cheers guys, yeah my biggest worry was getting the key right, fresh plaster it is but dry, so just water the ceiling first to kill suction, can i use board adhesive? after marking out the diameter i will place 3 nails at few points around it so i can sit the rose in as a guide. im doing it alone too! :$ thats why i wanted to use the board contact adhesive, so it will stay up till i get few screws in!?

long wide head screws too yeah! cheers, was gunna use long drywalls.
Ask Kebab king..... he fitted one then text me a pic asking what the screws were for LMFAO
hi lads, sorry if in wrong category please MOD move if so.

just a quick bit of help, been asked to fit 2 rather large and heavy ceiling roses end of week, on fresh plaster ceilings. ill tell you my method i was going to take as fitted few before but nothing as big!

watery pva to kill the suction , find center of room with string lines etc.... use plasterboard adhesive, find a joist after marking out the diameter of the rose with the center of room and pre-drill 2-3 holes in rose, stick up and screw few long screws in pinch tight, prob counter sink so i can pinch and fill in one.

does this sound about right?? as i also do minor coving jobs but am always worried about the product falling down due to poor key and weight, only 1 job has in the past but i learnt and keyed up the paint next time lol

if anyone has any tips as im scared i may crack it while drilling holes for screws and/or the weight just in general and making sure its fixed.

cheers guys
u dont need lines just find center off rose drill hole for light wires i use filler to put up wet back off rose nerer use screws havent had one fall down yet in 25 years
Ask Kebab king..... he fitted one then text me a pic asking what the screws were for LMFAO

He wouldn't do that would he :RpS_unsure:

Oh yeah he would :RpS_laugh:

large ceiling roses, how to fit.
chalk lines to find center of ceiling i mean lol not the rose, and i wouldnt use filler to fit the rose! :RpS_bored:
i can get hold of some of those brace arm thingys pictured but screws the way forward, these are heavy fkers.
so im good to go with just wetting the stuff in and using board adhesive yeah, what about the i pre-drill the rose first
so im good to go with just wetting the stuff in and using board adhesive yeah, what about the i pre-drill the rose first

Yeah, pre drill mate. Position it where you want and then use those pilot holes to mark the ceiling :RpS_thumbup:
cheers, im hoping to find the center of ceiling, get diameter of rose and draw the circle on ceiling then start hunting for joists, should be at least 2 within the circle id have drawn, mark the line across the circle so once the rose is dabbed up i can see where the joist is, drill then screw, hoping the gear will contact the rose long enough for me to fix it a few times, should be fine.
cheers, im hoping to find the center of ceiling, get diameter of rose and draw the circle on ceiling then start hunting for joists, should be at least 2 within the circle id have drawn, mark the line across the circle so once the rose is dabbed up i can see where the joist is, drill then screw, hoping the gear will contact the rose long enough for me to fix it a few times, should be fine.

Youll do fine mate. Let us know how you get on :RpS_thumbup:
Use board adhesive trowelled on with a notched trowel, pre drill your screw holes and then drill 1/2 inch into the holes using a drill bit same sizeor bigger than screwhead so its countersunk, then fill. If you can't get 3/4 screws in joists use some toggles or metal drives, but make sure 2 are in thejoists. Also workout and cut outthecentre of rose for wires. Ps twist rose into place and air between the notches will expel causing a vacuum. Use a smaller drill bit for a pilothole if you worried about splitting rose.
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nice one, pretty much as i was going to do, cheers for tips lads, sure it be alreet, ill get some pics and report back, doing it friday.

ps, dont know what your suppose to be charging per rose but iv hit her for 100 quid to fit 2 with materials lol should only take few hours
I would PVA the back of the rose to kill any suction also put your screw holes on the easiest part of the rose to patch.
I have always used cove adhesive and pva the back of the rose and the ceiling.
Cut hole for cables slightly off centre as cables do not come through the centre of electrical rose and would then be off centre if you did ( hope that makes sense)
The Plaster rose maybe concave on the back to save on weight. I would offer it up first and do necessary prep as you said re screws etc.
Once all screw holes are aligned draw around the rose and put a line on ceiling and rose so when you stick it it will be easier to locate the fixings.
Butter it up all around the edge and put some large dollops in the concave bit.
Put up and twist into position.
Screw up and clean excess from sides.
15 minutes if that
How big is large?
Also, if it has a pattern like waterleaf, line it up with something don't just throw it up.
If there is more than one make sure they mirror each other:RpS_thumbsup:
cheers mate, large as in biggest iv put up, around 60cm diameter iirr. more worried of the weight of it, as im doing it alone. be alreet im sure.

cheers for the pattern tip!

im not sure what people mean by finding the fixing holes?? i was just gunna find the joists then mark a line acrosss the circle iv drawn on ceiling where rose will go then draw a line across it so once rose is butterd and up, i can see where the joist are by the line , does that make sense lol then drill and screw.
i did think that but how am i going to know where to drill, 1 hole i can line up easy by turning the rose to hit a joist, but 2 or 3!? im sure it will all become apparent tomorrow lol when im there doing it, norm easier once your at it than thinking about it. lol
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