Decided to use my magnetic plaster from smarter surfaces, curtesy of @Barbara
. I did a job a while back at a children's hospice in their main room where all the kids chill, this hospice relies on donations to run. I did the main wall in magnetic and they are buzzing with it but coincidence has it they rang me the same day I got this gear from smarter surfaces. In the kids part they have a wall where every child that has been there, has their picture in a star which is stook to the wall. They rang me regarding doing this wall coz as you can imagine it's harder and harder to move them around, add others and they constantly get knocked off, so what they saw with the other wall would be perfect. Went past after work to do it so here it is and it's curved as well 
The letters peeled off easy enough, and I didn't bother to prime because this stuff is similar to paint and also a bit similar to Venetian, feels a bit like micro as well. I got there for five and had it on for half past
easy to use a bit like easy filling, felt a bit weird putting it on thick maybe best to put a few thinner coats but I didn't want to be there too long. The gear dries quite quick I was trowelling at about six then got to six thirty and I packed away
I have about a quarter left which I will apply tomorrow just to flatten like you would with easy fill and I say it will pull in quick.
It's done that height coz that's where they put the pics so was ideal coz i only had enough for five metres
couldn't help try a few magnets before I left
Here is the other wall I did which they are painting a theme on so more pics to come.

The letters peeled off easy enough, and I didn't bother to prime because this stuff is similar to paint and also a bit similar to Venetian, feels a bit like micro as well. I got there for five and had it on for half past

It's done that height coz that's where they put the pics so was ideal coz i only had enough for five metres

Here is the other wall I did which they are painting a theme on so more pics to come.