The person at the begining of the photos is the M D of a construction training centre demonstrating the three points of contact.The
other bloke who you think had paint in situe had just finnished repointing the rear of a house and he did it to quick for me to return with my camara and catch him in action.It is always good to see the expression on peoples facees when they first use it-that was to easy.
The tool is not ment for paint realy,the way it happened was the woman who owns the house came out with a roller and asked when
can she start painting it,she tried the tool onbut soon took it of when a bloke in the crowd that had gathered said get that loaded up
with beer wench,anyway when the bloke put it back on it was to tight for his waist and it lifted the front a little.I have been in touch
with health and safety organizations and got replies from ROSPA who wrote to me asking for details to publish in their journal,HSE the
shattered lives programme replied with"we are always happy to here about innovations that prevent accidents and save lives,we are a
regulating body and unfortunately we are unable to endorse products,but we wish you luck wit this project.I designed this board for my
self initially because my left arm is paralyzed so tying things to ladders would be no good,how else would you load a trowel with one arm?.Tradesmen who have seen it realized what use his can be on ladders with a free hand,one fella said its like a boxer having three arms.