Well I have three rental properties, own a lake set in eight acres and live in a house that once finished will be worth around £800'000. I worked my nuts off in my 20's, 30's and early 40's trying to achieve what I thought at the time was important. That was until my wife almost died before my eyes after a botched operation.
That truly changed my outlook on life. Yes I still have the 'stuff', in fact the lake came after the life change, but I no longer strive for anything other than to spend as much time as possible with my Mrs, good friends and my son.
In fact I love work more than ever because I work with my son. Luckily he has as relaxed an attitude towards work as myself.
That other thread isn't about 'willy waving', IMHO, but guys that are genuinely proud of what they've achieved from modest starts, and I can absolutely see where they're coming from. Good luck to them all, I just hope that they don't have to experience anything like I did to make them realise that their 'achievements' aren't the really important things in life.
To all you lads that have absolutely no interest in buying properties etc. etc. I also salute you for just wanting to enjoy life for the here and now, absolutely nothing wrong with that.