Naughty media - Coronavirus Covid19

Publicity stunt. Cummings all over it. Don't like the boris, but if its true I hope he gets through it. Thatcher. ..maybe not
I'm having a slow beer nursing a gin hangover mate :rayos:

Algee, I smashed it on Gin Friday night mate. Been f**k*d rest of the weekend!
Publicity stunt. Cummings all over it. Don't like the boris, but if its true I hope he gets through it. Thatcher. ..maybe not

Yup desperate
Internet will be s**t down soon they are being exposed everywhere

let’s get those pics before he goes to hospital aww he looks rough he has never had flu in his life
he would know about if you had a virus

domt forget this fooker burned £50
Note in front of a tramps

Your welcome
Had pheumonia as an 8 year old, my gp spotted it early doors who was Asian, so was ok In the end, saved my life really with it as kids can die from it more so than adults.
My son had it at 18 .

It leaves damage so we were told.
My life has been saved by none white person...

Keep it clean or I will be be busy moderating the s**t out of this place again....