My thoughts on the '' trowel '' matter... i think I,m right in saying, it was Tyzack centenery... then marshalltown.... obviously now theres other manufacturers on the market.. i believe why people are getting a little bored when someone comments on one of the new makes of trowel, they go off like its the holy grail.. and to be honest on some of the facebook pages, its fukin r******d how people go on... think that about sums it up.. i for eg. used a 16 x 5.. stainless ex lite M/T the other day, and it was great... as are most of the other top end trowel makes, I didnt go on forums/facebook, and claim this trowel was the dogs bollox.... i have rated various trowels over time to give my view on them, but pretty sure i have shed no semen on any particular blade... ( not that I can remember anyway )