I feel for you pal,things like that really p*ss me off! especially as i always try my best to leave a job as tidy as i found it,and if i did leave that mess on someones car i wouldnt expect to get away with it,i dont know why some people think they can,its a real shame.I ******* am it was everywhere
I feel for you pal,things like that really p*ss me off! especially as i always try my best to leave a job as tidy as i found it,and if i did leave that mess on someones car i wouldnt expect to get away with it,i dont know why some people think they can,its a real shame.
iv covered peoples cars before with clean dust sheets lolIf people ain't in I've jumped over fences to clean peoples gardens if I've been rendering or dashing
Often see this type of scratch and shake my head, it's a brickies scratch...scored with a brick trowel :rolleyes)
If people ain't in I've jumped over fences to clean peoples gardens if I've been rendering or dashing
You didn't check this blokes car then did you...
:rolleyes) :RpS_laugh:
Are you on the k cider too? Good **** aye..its an old school scratch pattern used in lime work , works like a gutter down pipe to lose water from the mix
Are you on the k cider too? Good **** aye..
will you let us know if they do or dont ?They left the mixer there so I bet there topping it tomorrow
A Council estate had a gang that did that sort of scratch on every house. That was about 2000. They lasted 10 years before it started to fail, but not the top coat leaving but both coats back to brick.
were the joints raked ? and what bricks were they ?
id say the lack of key caused the prob not the patten of stratch , but time of year weather wise becomes an issueHard commons not raked out. Ready mixed sand and cement usually that is soft sand for brick laying.
yes we know thatPmsl. This is a shitty brickies scratch all you will get from this is problems.. The old lime scratch is alot tighter. And its done with a scratch not a trowel
Lack of key and using soft sand instead of rendering sand. The gang that did it was local and after that contract used their van and became a 1 man and a van outfit doing removals.
It was you that said it was scratched like that for a reason. No me
will you let us know if they do or dont ?
My next door neighbour had the front of his house scratch coated today this is what I came home tooView attachment 4123
I'm in all day doing bits on my house so as soon as they turn up I'll be posting, I may even film them because I have a feeling it will warrant it
Fill it with sand/cement so its rock hard and they can spend all day chiseling it out !! :RpS_thumbup:They left the mixer there so I bet there topping it tomorrow
So what did you do about this???They were some kind of foreign they hacked off the old yesterday and I came home to thisView attachment 4124