Nice site and work do you skim those loft stairwells? do you brush it in or trowel it?
i like to use a plasterers busk to shape them works nice
what sort of money they paying on a site for a winder? or is it in the meterage?
I was getting £90 each for them off of one firm, and they where already wired, the wireing needed a few more screws here and there, but i was bonding out like 4-5 in a day and skimming all the next day. and was done by like 1-2 o clock everyday
None of the lads wanted to know them, i was loving them just doing them all the time, until they said they had ****** up prices and lowered them, still had a good 3 to 4 weeks though haha
By the way andy, the site looks really good, and your rendering and plastering work is outstanding.....
I've never seen external rendering with detail like that round these sides, looks really good...
top class render work. well beaded. how do form those little rounds that look like quadrant? run them first? not much call for them in london but forever learning
That's just reminded me andy. Remember when kirk wanted a jiggly stick
what's the finish on the rest of the Walls andy?