Newly boarded and skimmed ceiling cracking?

Newly boarded and skimmed ceiling cracking?
15mm require no noggins, still 600 c
Didn't say they did.... I said 12.5mm did.
You said 600mm centers was for both 15mm and 12.5mm. I said it wasn't unless there was alot of noggins. Which you just showed to be correct. So thankyou again. Youve learnt something
noggins were mentioned way back by jamesthefirst, i would always noggin when building myself.
noggins were mentioned way back by jamesthefirst, i would always noggin when building myself.
We've seen your building, I wouldn't trust you to put up a stud wall let alone ceiling joists
Hi there, I am new to this forum but would be very grateful for some advice from fellow plasters. I have been in the building trade for about 20 years and in the last 10 years set up by myself and taken on a lot more plastering work. however, a few months ago a took down an old ceiling in a massive kitchen, moved a wall, re-boarded it with 9.5mm boards, skim taped it, screwed it up exactly the same as I always do and skimmed it. Then 3 months later it has started to crack and has come loose in places. The house owner is obviously not happy and has left threatening voicemail messages on my phone. He thinks the timber we screwed into wasn't thick enough and so he and the other builder I was working with have put in a lot more timber above and re-screwed, filled and repainted but it is still cracking. I really don't know why this is happening. I haven't done anything different to any other ceiling I have boarded and skimmed? I am going back today to try and work out why this is happening. It is a 80's built bungalow so there is nothing above the kitchen. My initial thought was that the thin factory made trusses they used in the roof maybe causing slight movement to the ceiling? The owner of the house is adamant that this is not caused by movement from above and is because we haven't screwed the boards up properly but I didn't do anything different to any other ceiling I have done. I really don't know why this is happening, can anyone help?
The customer has been walking around in the loft space for sure blame him and stand your ground
Leave easifill bag for him
Everything cracks
Never mind that s**t vincey ......what do you think about using 9.5 instead of 12.5 . You are the voice of reason on here.x
Tbh I normally use 12.5 but use to use 9.5 all the time if it’s 600 centres on a shitty 1980s build they was crap build then as now , so can’t blame plasterer
Hi there, I am new to this forum but would be very grateful for some advice from fellow plasters. I have been in the building trade for about 20 years and in the last 10 years set up by myself and taken on a lot more plastering work. however, a few months ago a took down an old ceiling in a massive kitchen, moved a wall, re-boarded it with 9.5mm boards, skim taped it, screwed it up exactly the same as I always do and skimmed it. Then 3 months later it has started to crack and has come loose in places. The house owner is obviously not happy and has left threatening voicemail messages on my phone. He thinks the timber we screwed into wasn't thick enough and so he and the other builder I was working with have put in a lot more timber above and re-screwed, filled and repainted but it is still cracking. I really don't know why this is happening. I haven't done anything different to any other ceiling I have boarded and skimmed? I am going back today to try and work out why this is happening. It is a 80's built bungalow so there is nothing above the kitchen. My initial thought was that the thin factory made trusses they used in the roof maybe causing slight movement to the ceiling? The owner of the house is adamant that this is not caused by movement from above and is because we haven't screwed the boards up properly but I didn't do anything different to any other ceiling I have done. I really don't know why this is happening, can anyone help?
Please feel free to interject with your opinion on some if not all of the answers so far to your predicament @EJB .
No new builds by big company get any noggins at all..the only noggin that's in is 4 the centre light! U might say its penny pinching but it isnt if your building 1000s and 1000s of houses a year..from pre plastering the houses have 6 week once plasterer goes in the house needs to be turned over in a 6 week time frame so everything done from plastering,2nd fix,painted and bathroom and kitchens fitted etc
When light goes across it it looks different colour than rest, brighter
I thought you meant that.
That would bury eventually and I'd rather have that than be reboarding and replastering ...that's if it even worked, never mind if it didn't.
on a high quality spec, the ceiling is first fitted with 12mm ply . as ply is laminated both ways it has great strength. then covered with 12 mm or 15 mm plasterboard to receive skim.
i have never known a ceiling with this spec to crack.
on a high quality spec, the ceiling is first fitted with 12mm ply . as ply is laminated both ways it has great strength. then covered with 12 mm or 15 mm plasterboard to receive skim.
i have never known a ceiling with this spec to crack.
I'd love it iff all ceilings was ply lined..straight up no bother,joiners that shite these days sometimes centres dont hit a full board
Not come across many 400 more like 600 in bungalows ,9.5 boards would sag over time with moisture , especially if boiling veg in kitchen
@EJB check for signs of someone been walking around up their , new light installation , aerial perhaps
600 centres need 15mm ceiling board/grey