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Andy G, have you had to sit the test to renew a card or applying for a new one. 42 out of 50 wasn’t too bad, try again. Plenty of revision pages on youtube.
Got blue card, lasts 5
Andy G, have you had to sit the test to renew a card or applying for a new one. 42 out of 50 wasn’t too bad, try again. Plenty of revision pages on youtube.
Got blue card, it lasts five years so it a renew, what a joke Rigsby how time have changed my friend
Blame the ambulance chasers. When they brought in the sue culture, industry needed protection from these parasites so health and safety had to be stepped up. Workers and employers are ignorant but now if you are ignorant as an employer you are liable. Workers too are ignorant so bringing in h&s, rams etc is there to make it harder for the ignorant workers and weak management.

Remember back in the 80’s andy when we was expected to render houses off ladders and cripples and access towers just to save the contractor money, it was take a chance or lose the job. They didn’t give a s**t if we fell so long as we saved them money. Now try and get someone to render a house off ladders and cripples, they would refuse.