O S B board

Render on osb doesn’t sound a good idea. It’s done in ‘merica though. I suppose if it’s got membrane and metal lath over it’ll be ok.
Me, not a chance. Render always cracks and will crack more if the backing carrier can expand (and therefore contract).
Render on osb doesn’t sound a good idea. It’s done in ‘merica though. I suppose if it’s got membrane and metal lath over it’ll be ok.
Me, not a chance. Render always cracks and will crack more if the backing carrier can expand (and therefore contract).
Yeah I know the membrane math method but I don’t rate it. Needs strapped for air flow etc can you aqua board on top of it an render that? Or cement board. Not to clued up on all this stuff.. I usually just do block work an over renders :tonto:
Vertical treated batten, vapour barrier, metal lath or cement based carrier board would be bettter, but the battens and the osb can still expand, so the render board must move as it can’t expand, and the render must therefore crack.
All render can crack.
Make it plane to the client and crack on.