Plastering 4 bed house in Montenegro

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Proper tiny is Montenegro...marshy will do full set of pubs in the country in a nite its that little
Got these straight of google search are you sure you don't want to go
Plastering 4 bed house in Montenegro
Plastering 4 bed house in Montenegro
Plastering 4 bed house in Montenegro
Bit of advise :) you will be contacted by some crack pots so the easiest thing to do is look through their posts and this will give you some sort of idea about them and their skill set. You will need at least 50 bags I would take 60 if I was you. Depending on the number of spreads who went will tell you how long. About a weeks work for around three spreads if all the prep was done ie pregrit all the walls. What's the weather like that time of year?
baking hot in the summer, proper dry heat
whoever is going, i can give you a lift in 2 weeks time, but you`ll have to catch a train from hungary, only a couple of hours ride
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