Plastering "still the hardest trade in the building "

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Deleted member 14228

I think plastering is still the hardest job in the building trade and it aint getting any easier ,only a few years back nearly every spread or 2 gang had a labourer !! no its just not viable !! having said all that i cant think for the life of me any other job i,d rather do !!!!accept in the winter then i,d sooner be a barman in ibiza :RpS_laugh:
says you danny......................after yesterday..............its called the D.o.m.i.n.o effect.......................:RpS_laugh:
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well speaking as an old-timer i think it has got easier ,you have all the machines for mixing /spraying, we had a big briggs and Stratton mixer and a F length of 2x1 and gauging trowel (not the right shape for a bucket, until you chopped the end off ) you don't know your born lad !!!!!!.........puff
there is nothing hard about skimming walls, it's all in the mind that's what you have to get your head round.:RpS_thumbup:
Skimming walls is easy, the hard part is getting your fat arse out of bed to go and skim the walls.

Well thats how it is for me.......
Skimming walls is easy, the hard part is getting your fat arse out of bed to go and skim the walls.

Well thats how it is for me.......
Ma hat goes off to you guys that do skimming every day, don't do a lot of it but when I do I kind of enjoy it.. Did a 5m by 5m bedroom on Sunday with Coombs on two sides. My body knew about it that night..
Fair play to you all that do that day in day out..
The older i get, the more aware of the damage that the repetitive motions of trowelling are doing. I haven't worked for a few weeks and im starting to feel good :RpS_laugh: More pain awaits
lol Yeah I was grumpy

I think its probably one of the cheapest trades to get into... the basic tools can be bought cheaply etc compared to being a chippy....

But to master plastering...... thats a different story

I would like to see more apprenticeships being offered but that is not going to happen :-(


PS slightly cheerful today
First day back, 2 jobs and back & legs ache. Glad to get back to the tools though and three jobs came in as well :RpS_thumbup:
plastered a small room out last friday 2.8x 3.0 walls and ceiling felt quite ruff thought the aches from being off over xmas.boarded skimmed 2x2 sunday still feeling grog. docs monday turns out friday had a mild heart attack.take it easy dont get stressed.
plastered a small room out last friday 2.8x 3.0 walls and ceiling felt quite ruff thought the aches from being off over xmas.boarded skimmed 2x2 sunday still feeling grog. docs monday turns out friday had a mild heart attack.take it easy dont get stressed.
how on earth can that be stressful have you had your cholesterol levels checked there is allsorts that can cause heart attacks
plastered a small room out last friday 2.8x 3.0 walls and ceiling felt quite ruff thought the aches from being off over xmas.boarded skimmed 2x2 sunday still feeling grog. docs monday turns out friday had a mild heart attack.take it easy dont get stressed.

if you have had a heart attack then you must go to a hospitial that has a cardiac unit and get a cardiogram, they can then see what damage you have done to your heart, and give you the correct treatment.
i had my first heart attack at 41, and that was the sort of **** my then doctor told me, take it easy.
you must look after yourself! you may need a stent you may need a bypass but you do need treatment
been on cardiogram at docs on monday,bloods today, tomorrow going to leics hospital on treadmill with cardiogram.doc gave me pills and spray.
that not a cardiogram you had at the docs. that an angogram. a cardiogram is when they put a dye into your blood stream either through your wrist [the easyiest] or through your groin. you will lay on a bed with a large mionitor over your chest to find the problem.
an angogram is just a few stickers put on your chest to find out if your heart has a correct beat.
a cardiologist will be able to read the angogram and see if you are fit enough to run on the tredmill you have to achive 7 km an hour which is running pace. i failed this test at the time. but do not be scared, the tratment you receive is very important.
how on earth can that be stressful have you had your cholesterol levels checked there is allsorts that can cause heart attacks
Lol sorry plastering that wasnt stressful its been a bit of everything triple stomach hernia op may,4 months off, no money still got bills to pay inc the 7.5k for daughters wedding back in july couldnt cancel or postpone.bills keep coming xmas had to help daughter with rent and stuff.was saying plastering aint hard work unless you make it hard work its the stress that wears ya down.
yep sorry machine sticker and lots of wires.after he told me mild heart attack bit shocked. he said if reading was a bit different would of had me straight in hospital.cheers for info as getting a bit worried.
mild heart attack, a cardiologist will call this an infart, you must get treatment, you most likely have a blocked or partly blocked artery in your heart.
i had a bypass x4 then 6 weeks in a rehabilitation centre learning how to eat, exersise and combat stress. no one can stress me out now.
Lol sorry plastering that wasnt stressful its been a bit of everything triple stomach hernia op may,4 months off, no money still got bills to pay inc the 7.5k for daughters wedding back in july couldnt cancel or postpone.bills keep coming xmas had to help daughter with rent and stuff.was saying plastering aint hard work unless you make it hard work its the stress that wears ya down.

fair enough pal
Exercise is the best way to deal with stress. start going for a jog and build up or join a gym ,trust me it is the best stress buster around . try a keep away from pills if you can . We all suffer from stress for different reasons just try and de'stress things a'bit and if that means working less hard and earning less money then so be it. you have to change your life style. Stress is one of the biggest killers in this country, dont put yourself under preasure and try to get your priority's right and look after your health . Most of us have a long working life ahead so don't go killing yourself to early.
Exercise is the best way to deal with stress. start going for a jog and build up or join a gym ,trust me it is the best stress buster around . try a keep away from pills if you can . We all suffer from stress for different reasons just try and de'stress things a'bit and if that means working less hard and earning less money then so be it. you have to change your life style. Stress is one of the biggest killers in this country, dont put yourself under preasure and try to get your priority's right and look after your health . Most of us have a long working life ahead so don't go killing yourself to early.

Can,t agree more. I was suffering from stress this time last year. A combination of a lot of work in 2011, that bitch with the Weber job and the arse oles I employ. I was working every minute of the day and could not turn off. Last year the rain didn,t help and my tennis elbow stopping me being on the tools.

But I have a very supportive wife with a good job and no debt so to hell with it. Now my phone is turned off at 6pm till the next morning, I point blank refuse to sub any money up front and only look at 3 jobs a week averaging 3 hrs a quote each. More me time and less work in my private time. Its the time wasters who call me out wanting a quote and have no idea what finish they want, not a clue. So they look at your samples and then want a price for every one! No, it,s 2 quotes max now. It beats me I am always the first to quote and I am a free rendering consultant! The next bloke that comes along and all the theory behind the job has been done.

I think this year I will be more part time. I am not going to bust a gut running around at nights and weekends consulting people who has no intention of having the work done. Lifes too short for these selfish time wasters.
Well said dude, we work to live, not live to work, I very very rarely will work a Saturday (even a morning) for the simple reason, its my time, I couldn't give a **** if I don't earn an extra couple of hundred quid here and there, time to yourself, to see family, mates, go out, spend with the missus is very important to live a happy life. You see it time and time again, people trying to squeeze in jobs left right and centre, even if they are booked solidly for weeks ahead, theres no point, I like living a simple life personally, earn a little less but stress very very little, if Im booked up for 4 weeks.. customer gets told that, and either waits, or gets someone else, simple :)
its the old work and life balance i guess.Everyones is different.
I probably work around 60 hours a week, maybe not always on the tools as such, but running the business, bookwork etc, even believe it or not, managing staff takes up a good chunk of my time, and the hardest aspect is choosing which projects to entertain that come in, and choosing the right leads as rigsby says, i get some time wasters from the public with wild expectations with rendering.

I wouldnt have it any other way tho, to be honest, but i can switch off when needs be, and as said i find exercise the best outlet and now run about 20 mile a week, it use to be booze when i was younger and drank like a fish , but i got to 30 the other year and just sort of packed it in, and know hover around the te-total area, i dont miss booze a jot.
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well said owls funny how you imagine how somebody looks, i always thought and got the impression you were a lot older, i am 52 and i assumed you were a similair age, not being cheeky , but suprising how old you think people are on this forum and turn out totally different , we should try running a thread sometime on how we all think each other looks, description/fat/thin/ height etc, i would think there would be some compliments flying about.
Exercise is the best way to deal with stress. start going for a jog and build up or join a gym ,trust me it is the best stress buster around . try a keep away from pills if you can . We all suffer from stress for different reasons just try and de'stress things a'bit and if that means working less hard and earning less money then so be it. you have to change your life style. Stress is one of the biggest killers in this country, dont put yourself under preasure and try to get your priority's right and look after your health . Most of us have a long working life ahead so don't go killing yourself to early.

This is very good advice, i rarely let stress bother me, and always try to keep myself active with weight training and exercise..

And it helps a lot..
Well said dude, we work to live, not live to work, I very very rarely will work a Saturday (even a morning) for the simple reason, its my time, I couldn't give a **** if I don't earn an extra couple of hundred quid here and there, time to yourself, to see family, mates, go out, spend with the missus is very important to live a happy life. You see it time and time again, people trying to squeeze in jobs left right and centre, even if they are booked solidly for weeks ahead, theres no point, I like living a simple life personally, earn a little less but stress very very little, if Im booked up for 4 weeks.. customer gets told that, and either waits, or gets someone else, simple :)

exactly same outlook i take on life......
well said owls funny how you imagine how somebody looks, i always thought and got the impression you were a lot older, i am 52 and i assumed you were a similair age, not being cheeky , but suprising how old you think people are on this forum and turn out totally different , we should try running a thread sometime on how we all think each other looks, description/fat/thin/ height etc, i would think there would be some compliments flying about.

in my 50's? :-0

im 31, some days feel in my 50's tho :RpS_laugh:
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