Polycel smoothing plaster

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That polycel is easy to use hey, just like it says on tv ad's.... Yeh right.
Well it's that time of year again when I get calls from customers(3 so far) saying they tried this polycel easy smooth stuff and got to look at what they've done, and it's a dogs breakfast, jees. I think we should thank this company for telling people how easy it is 'caus i must get about £700 worth of work a year from good 'ol polycel easy smooth.
Has anyone used that Thistle Dri-Coat befor, I have a pretty big job(50 bags) in 2 weeks time and was thinking of using Dri-coat instead of Limelite. Do I need to dampen the walls/pva them, is multi or board better.
Any tips would be much appreciated.
what would you recommend to do then phipsy? score it with a knife pva/wba and skim? or just wba and skim?
They got some stuff over in Spain simillar to Polycell crap i done a whole house in it last year covering heavy spray paint absolute nightmare how they expect DIYers to use it i dont know.
Dri coats ok cheaper than lime light if you feel you need to damp it down prior to application thats fine and just top off with multi the day after , it's not difficult to apply or rub up , you will have no probs
warrior, is dri coat and limelight s@c based, also what lime, if used,is in these products cheers del :)
mrspoon said:
what would you recommend to do then phipsy? score it with a knife pva/wba and skim? or just wba and skim?
me personnally...re board cause ive had 2 peel on me since i started...stuffs worse than distemper ....i can reboard and skim in 1 day....why risk the headache....boards only gonna be 40 quid extra
del said:
warrior, is dri coat and limelight s@c based, also what lime, if used,is in these products cheers del :)
Ok Del Lime light and Dri coat are basically the same product both are produced trying to re create the trad
6:1:1 sand / cement/ lime mortar coat , but the difference is that these use perlite (expanded volcanic rock) as opposed to sand and thus make a light weight product but also incorporating fibres (to help with shrinkage and expansion) and water resistant additives. both incorporate hydrated lime as you would use in your normal sand/cement/lime mix unless you go down the hydraulic (slaked lime ) route. I my self prefer to use sand and cement when plastering after a damp course ,or as a modified render for tanking as it's much cheaper and more readily available , i hope this answers your question my friend. ;)
Cheers for the info warriorupnorth, will probaby damp down as all the bricks are dry as a bone and dusty. I have a lot of plastering onto new board and will get a pallat of board finish, do you think board will go onto dri-wall ok?
I went onto the Gypsum web site and the pdf documents say board and multi are both ok on dri-coat.... but you never know until it goes on.
Matt01 , use which ever you prefer ,i just use multi now cos it's every where and a lot don't stock board any more, would prefer to use board when i can get it cos on this background you can finish it before it's set!!
cheers for the info mate, the stuff i used was hydraulic lime based, weber tec hydromur as a backing coat, then i skimmed in cercol fino, very fine s@c with hydraulic lime, both had other additives, finished nice but not as smooth as plaster, this was a dpc job so the problem was the joint between the new work and the old, trying to blend into one another, wanted to use gypsum plaster, but was not sure if you could use it on hydraulic based materials, so i phoned weber they then told me you should not use any gypsum finish over s@c as over time there is a reaction, cant think what it is called, so i said well ive been using siripite, multi,etc, over s@c for years !. they said well you should not, who is right, british gypsum or weber, cos fooked if i know ! :D
Hi Del its called Entrinngate crystalisation and all manufacturers of cement based tile adhesives wont guarantee their products on gypsum plasters unless its primed to prevent this reaction from causing failure ive always argued that we have been putting gypsum on SC for years and never known anyone to have a problem and also on the tiling side never heard of a problem but it obviously exists so the manufacturers have to cover themselves. Here in Spain they are aware of it as their is a tile adhesive specificaly to go on gypsum plaster without priming and nothing else would be guarranteed.I dont know how big a problem Entrinngate Crystalisation is and i used to think it was a scam to make more money but i suppose even if it is only a rare occurance manufactureres must cover themselves.
lucius said:
Hi Del its called Entrinngate crystalisation and all manufacturers of cement based tile adhesives wont guarantee their products on gypsum plasters unless its primed to prevent this reaction from causing failure ive always argued that we have been putting gypsum on SC for years and never known anyone to have a problem and also on the tiling side never heard of a problem but it obviously exists so the manufacturers have to cover themselves. Here in Spain they are aware of it as their is a tile adhesive specificaly to go on gypsum plaster without priming and nothing else would be guarranteed.I dont know how big a problem Entrinngate Crystalisation is and i used to think it was a scam to make more money but i suppose even if it is only a rare occurance manufactureres must cover themselves.
cheers lucius, was begining to think i was the only one who heard this,trying to find out if you can skim with perlita on weber tec hydromur, it would leave a better finish, and match the existing work when painted, will have to dig deeper ! :)
sorry about this lads but who the bloody hell said youre not supposed to usede gypsum based plaster over sand and cement for bloody hells sake what do these people think the entire world has been using before the advent of these 'polymer' (stupid big word that means many things that people cant be bothered to google) based (not really 'based' at all its just an additive and pva is a polymer) and sand and cement is what you see all ovewr the place its just that it takes a proper plasterer to be able to put it on right so it doesnt give up in six months which is why these companies have 'invented' these other things its to make everyone who thinks they can plaster look like they can actually plaster when the bottom line is if you dont know what youre doing you shouldnt be doing it in the first place so if the product is actually better for the job then youd actaully know but if its just as gfood and cheaper to do it in sand and cement then thats what youd be using because you would be a plasterer in the first place and not just someone who just uses polycell smooth over becuase yo think its better than plaster becuase thats what it says on the tin
did a job years ago on a barn conversion with s@c scimmed with multi and it shelled off in big patches everywhere so we got someone out from bg , their stance at the time was "did you leave the s@c 28days before you scimmed it", obviously we didnt so bg didnt want to know, said it was our fault, now after that we looked into it and s@c needs time to shrink (28days) wether its internaly or externally, although we always scimmed s@c next day on site all the time and never ad problems, although seen alot of s@c renders cracked because top coat been put on to quick not letting scratch coat time to cure/shrink.
I think if you didnt leave the SC to cure for 28 days, and who does, it wouldnt come of in sheets just shrink cracks coming through the finish. I remember when multi first came out their were problems with it coming of SC as you describe.I remember a mate of mine having an extension skimmed in multi on SC and when they turned up next morning the whole lot was on the floor the rep was called out but it was so long ago i cant remember the outcome.
we did a job in s@c about ten years ago skimmed in multi the next day, but it was frosty so we had big gas heaters in the building, told them not to turn them off, yep what did they do, turn them off, the s@c froze over night, we came in skimmed as normal, gas fires on off course, we thought they had been on all night, everything was going fine, this was a friday afternoon skimmed it went home, on saturday morning phone rang builder saying all the finish has come away, went to have a look, come away clean as a whistle, you would have never guessed it had been skimmed, not a pink mark hardly anywhere, they tried to blame us but we knew they must have turned the fires off, s@c froze, we skimmed, scimming set,then the s@c thawed out and blew the lot off all 160 metres, had to pay us again to skim it . also you are not a plasterer if you are using fooking polycell !! del
hes a mug if hes not.....for small rerskims what a donkey......
as for the other 28 days for render...render shrinks and gypsum expands so their pulling away from each other if s& c still green...in saying all that...i dont know one builder who waits for 28 days........not 1
warriorupnorth said:
Never had one problem on sand cement in 30 odd years and nearly alway;s skimmed next day ???

Yeah but you northaners are right rough c**ts

seriously I always skim within a week of rendering ONE COAT and have never had a problem, in fact when the gang of decorators turned up on site today they complimented me on the quality of work :)

richardbrown said:
warriorupnorth said:
Never had one problem on sand cement in 30 odd years and nearly alway;s skimmed next day ???

Yeah but you northaners are right rough (french person)s

seriously I always skim within a week of rendering ONE COAT and have never had a problem, in fact when the gang of decorators turned up on site today they complimented me on the quality of work :)

i add water proofer to s/c for skimming .......how about the rest of you?
just float it as normal then just skim it next day, you get a nice moderate suction on blocks, try it mate ;)
napper83 said:
SLIPPY said:
polycel is the mutts nuts , i would often use it for small reskims.

:D please tell me you are taking the (french word)?
of course im taking the piss! polycel smoothing plaster is keeping some of us busy after joe public has a go & have you ever seen the price of it!!!
Here ya go Slippy should be able to get it on with this ;D ;D
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