Rates going back 20 years??

It's the same on the stonework. Everyone cutting the f**k out of it, esp the Eastern Europeans. I worked with a fella awhile back and he never f**k*d up about people undercutting others. I priced a job then the fella I proceed it for said to me this other guy said whatever I price it for he'll do it cheaper lol. That's what your up against. Same in the plastering, someone else's greed will always keep the money down. It's just the way it is, always has been and always will.

Me, soon as I hit 50 I'm getting the f**k well away from it because the people I meet, the back stabbing, the slandering of good people has done my head in for far too long. Another 12 years of it and I'm out to f**k. I've already a house in the country built with no loans on it, soon as the kids are up I'm taking a driving job for basic money and going to relax for the rest of my days fishing and other relaxing past times and not go near most of the c**ts I've met along the way in the building game.
It's the same on the stonework. Everyone cutting the f**k out of it, esp the Eastern Europeans. I worked with a fella awhile back and he never f**k*d up about people undercutting others. I priced a job then the fella I proceed it for said to me this other guy said whatever I price it for he'll do it cheaper lol. That's what your up against. Same in the plastering, someone else's greed will always keep the money down. It's just the way it is, always has been and always will.

Me, soon as I hit 50 I'm getting the f**k well away from it because the people I meet, the back stabbing, the slandering of good people has done my head in for far too long. Another 12 years of it and I'm out to f**k. I've already a house in the country built with no loans on it, soon as the kids are up I'm taking a driving job for basic money and going to relax for the rest of my days fishing and other relaxing past times and not go near most of the c**ts I've met along the way in the building game.
Some one who’s got his head screwed on..
Nice to see m8 ..
Never have I heard a truer word spoken..
The trade has gone to the dogs..
Rates going back 20 years??
It's the same on the stonework. Everyone cutting the f**k out of it, esp the Eastern Europeans. I worked with a fella awhile back and he never f**k*d up about people undercutting others. I priced a job then the fella I proceed it for said to me this other guy said whatever I price it for he'll do it cheaper lol. That's what your up against. Same in the plastering, someone else's greed will always keep the money down. It's just the way it is, always has been and always will.

Me, soon as I hit 50 I'm getting the f**k well away from it because the people I meet, the back stabbing, the slandering of good people has done my head in for far too long. Another 12 years of it and I'm out to f**k. I've already a house in the country built with no loans on it, soon as the kids are up I'm taking a driving job for basic money and going to relax for the rest of my days fishing and other relaxing past times and not go near most of the c**ts I've met along the way in the building game.
So much stereotyping about the eastern Europeans, and I'm not saying it just because I'm one of them. I could bring a fair few examples where English tradies doing the work for next to nothing or at a loss, so they can bloat about it how busy they are every day, same people shouting all the time that they earn 2-3 grand a week, give me a rest.
Is any of you ever gonna complain about the Asians that they take the high paying jobs like accountants, solicitors, doctors etc because they had a cheap education back in their country or their parents grafted like mad to put them through uni here, will you f**k.
Same with the Irish in the UK they used to get the blame for everything years ago, still I think they done a fair bit for the UK.
So much stereotyping about the eastern Europeans, and I'm not saying it just because I'm one of them. I could bring a fair few examples where English tradies doing the work for next to nothing or at a loss, so they can bloat about it how busy they are every day, same people shouting all the time that they earn 2-3 grand a week, give me a rest.
Is any of you ever gonna complain about the Asians that they take the high paying jobs like accountants, solicitors, doctors etc because they had a cheap education back in their country or their parents grafted like mad to put them through uni here, will you f**k.
Same with the Irish in the UK they used to get the blame for everything years ago, still I think they done a fair bit for the UK.
So much stereotyping about the eastern Europeans, and I'm not saying it just because I'm one of them. I could bring a fair few examples where English tradies doing the work for next to nothing or at a loss, so they can bloat about it how busy they are every day, same people shouting all the time that they earn 2-3 grand a week, give me a rest.
Is any of you ever gonna complain about the Asians that they take the high paying jobs like accountants, solicitors, doctors etc because they had a cheap education back in their country or their parents grafted like mad to put them through uni here, will you f**k.
Same with the Irish in the UK they used to get the blame for everything years ago, still I think they done a fair bit for the UK.

you forgot to mention the colombians:birra:
Oh... ^ ^ ^ I didn't realise that link would work and posted it accidentally. Still, it does.

It's funny as fcuk.
I didn't wanted to mention them, as they supply quality gear (y)

i supplied my kids with some bikes and quality shoes....its freezing in the garden ...they just dont give a fuuck !!!


  • Rates going back 20 years??
    239.1 KB · Views: 195
  • Rates going back 20 years??
    262.2 KB · Views: 200
So much stereotyping about the eastern Europeans, and I'm not saying it just because I'm one of them. I could bring a fair few examples where English tradies doing the work for next to nothing or at a loss, so they can bloat about it how busy they are every day, same people shouting all the time that they earn 2-3 grand a week, give me a rest.
Is any of you ever gonna complain about the Asians that they take the high paying jobs like accountants, solicitors, doctors etc because they had a cheap education back in their country or their parents grafted like mad to put them through uni here, will you f**k.
Same with the Irish in the UK they used to get the blame for everything years ago, still I think they done a fair bit for the UK.

Listen zolco, most eastern Europeans I know who work in other sectors I can honestly say they are great workers. I've seen some drink 2 bottles vodka and still get up for work the next day. What I can also say about them is they have cut the f**k out of the money in stonework where I am. They arrived here in the boom without any knowledge of how stone should be built and threw all sorts of shite up very quickly for next to nothing and killed it. I can also say I have yet to meet one who can lay stone to my standard or anyone I know who's decent. You see, with stone, anyone can get away with it because the private client doesn't know much about it. They see stone threw on top of stone and think it's how it should be laid. But in reality, there's stone bonds we have to build to for it to look authentic and structural stability.
So much stereotyping about the eastern Europeans, and I'm not saying it just because I'm one of them. I could bring a fair few examples where English tradies doing the work for next to nothing or at a loss, so they can bloat about it how busy they are every day, same people shouting all the time that they earn 2-3 grand a week, give me a rest.
Is any of you ever gonna complain about the Asians that they take the high paying jobs like accountants, solicitors, doctors etc because they had a cheap education back in their country or their parents grafted like mad to put them through uni here, will you f**k.
Same with the Irish in the UK they used to get the blame for everything years ago, still I think they done a fair bit for the UK.
The Asians were in this country long before the Eastern Europeans so I don’t we think have much choice ..:)
Listen zolco, most eastern Europeans I know who work in other sectors I can honestly say they are great workers. I've seen some drink 2 bottles vodka and still get up for work the next day. What I can also say about them is they have cut the f**k out of the money in stonework where I am. They arrived here in the boom without any knowledge of how stone should be built and threw all sorts of shite up very quickly for next to nothing and killed it. I can also say I have yet to meet one who can lay stone to my standard or anyone I know who's decent. You see, with stone, anyone can get away with it because the private client doesn't know much about it. They see stone threw on top of stone and think it's how it should be laid. But in reality, there's stone bonds we have to build to for it to look authentic and structural stability.
It’s the same for plasterers m8 the rough bastards doing house bashing and advertising pure s**t on face book and other social media sites f**k**g it up for the decent spreads..
Probably the same for all trades..
Good tradesmen and bad tradesmen..
i was having a debate today when someone told me that they were float and setting for £3 m2 twenty years ago??
As far as I can remember rates were never that bad ??
£3 a mete float and set???
Any takers??

YEP! That would about right!
BUT! We weren't hampered anywhere NEAR as much by Health & Safety as you are today and we could do a Street-a-Week (walls Only) to get the yardage in.

Late 60's/to mid-70's we were working for £0-50p per Sq Yard in the Berks, Bucks & Hants area.
2 x coat sand & cement render with a 3 x coat Siraphite finish, and we were still Kings-of-the-hill back then (Plasterers are poor relations to other trades these days Sadly :-(