I started in july 1976, with john laing, my first week as a 16 year old apprentice consisted of , sweeping up/scraping floors, renewing clean buckets of water,washing handboards and trowels,flattening angle beads,helping lab mix plaster no mixers then,wash buckets out ,repeat repeat , got called boy, boy make tea/boy sweep floor, soon learned a handboard was called a handboard judging by the abuse and shouting at me, and for all this i took home 16.00 quid for a weeks work, then i gave my dad 8.00 quid a week of that,....left me with 8.00 quid for a week,.......red hot summer 1976 was,and boy did i know.........1 lab was nickname the ships cook, why said i , because he was a fxxxxxxg cook on a ship came the elegant response,......1 plasterer had been captured first day of world war 2, spent entire war in a p.o.w. camp,........everybody seemed to smoke , and when i got picked up in the morning for the 40 minute journey to the site, there was 6/8 blokes in the back all smoking, oh how i enjoyed the travelling