Render over dry dash concrete prefabricated shed

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I've got a dry dash prefab shed it's about 3x2m 2.4m high it's made up of 10 panels 3 on each side 2 back and front is it possible to stick some kinda base coat on and fibreglass mesh it with the 1m wide external scrim then top coat it to receive a tile ?
no problem. do you intend to tile the external like grayson perrys new home?
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no problem. do you intend to tile the external like grayson perrys new home?
No idea who ur talking about but I'm gonna tile it in sumat to go with the decking I'm planning
So do u think it would be ok to s&c could I use a notch trowl to help in lay the mesh then sponge float the top coat ?
i would roll a coat of sbr on just before i applied the base coat, scim, and scratch coat. left to cure, then a tight coat with lime and float up a few days later.
grayson perry is an artist who won the turner prize, his new home at wrabness essex has a tiled external, google him.
i would roll a coat of sbr on just before i applied the base coat, scim, and scratch coat. left to cure, then a tight coat with lime and float up a few days later.
grayson perry is an artist who won the turner prize, his new home at wrabness essex has a tiled external, google him.
I was thinking sbr slurry and what ratio's for base coat and top coat
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