I have concerns that Mr.Corbyn, should he be elected would try to reverse the decision that the majority voted in favour of regarding exiting the EU.
In my view, that would be undemocratic.
I also have concerns that Mr.Corbyn might be influenced by the bigger unions, who would love to regain the power stripped of them by Thatcher, and for that matter Blair.
I would like to live in the utopia described in chapter and verse by the Fabians, but my inner cynic cannot reconcile the fact that when the people spouting these views, get into power, they very soon start feathering their own nests. The expenses debacle is but one episode. Who can forget Derek Hatton, a militant utopianist who even Niel Kinnoch had to get rid of, and what about old "two jags"......I have to say that even I am swayed by the policies, it's the people behind them I distrust. I think before any of them get in power they've got to win the trust of the people. On that front, I think Teresa is just edging it.