i don't think he lost one it was May on the back foot not answering questions and they are the questions that need answering, she can say what she likes her credibility is gone, she has backtracked on so much her own voters will turn on her. How could any Tory stand up and defend her lies? Your only getting away with it coz your on a keyboard and we are not face to face, I wouldn't let you dance around the facts I have put in front of you and move on to the next lie
any pensioner who gets a chance to see her performance and bare face lies telling them they are better off will be growling. Any NHS worker being told they are better off will also be growling, labour will not lose seats they are gaining memebership, the highest membership and support of all the parties combined. Her other down fall will be this stupid "strong and stable" bullshit she keeps saying to fill in the answers.