S and S trowel cleaning ?

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Private Member
What's the best quickest way of cleaning a stainless Steel MT, it's not caked or anything just due it's 3 month clean! It's te back edge has a built up layer of plaster much like a handboard gets. I usually sand and have to scrape the backside, but takes an age!!

any other way?
leave it to soak in a tray of water for a couple of days, then it should clean nice and easy.
pointing trowel and a handful of sand with a little water. couple of minutes will bring your trowel back as good as new. hold trowel flat put a little wet sand on blade and rub pointer flat up and down it
Cheers men, I do that with buckets also softens the plaster nice, just never really had that good results with the trowels, will give it a bit longer then
Give them a spray and wipe down with WD-40 at the end of every day. Stops the plaster sticking and cleans nice n easy.
I use one of these, they are Mango chutney barrels, if you go to your local curry house they will give you them for free.

If im on a job for a week or more, ill fill it with water and chuck all the trowels in end of play, all mine still look brand new. If ive got loads of different jobs on through the week ill do them at the week end.

Never ever had a dirty trowel. Handy for keeping other stuff in also, floats sponges scratchers etc.

S and S trowel cleaning ?
Most swimming pools go through sh#t loads of chlorine and it comes in similar containers to the ones above. Ive got loads of them in the lock up. they are great for mixing in or for storing. check out your local baths (do they still call swimming pools baths?)
Most swimming pools go through sh#t loads of chlorine and it comes in similar containers to the ones above. Ive got loads of them in the lock up. they are great for mixing in or for storing. check out your local baths (do they still call swimming pools baths?)
The do in my world still mate yeah!
Cheers got an I****n roun the Corning will go and harass one of them to cough up the goods! Might cost me a ring of fire but noubt wrong with that!!! :RpS_thumbsup:
someone told my mate to soak it in brick acid, he did it looked shinier than new over night, fantastic...........then as soon as he touched it the blade fell of all the rivets had disolved...:RpS_laugh:...:RpS_laugh:...:RpS_laugh:
just soak it as said just put a few drops of vinegar in the water works a treat do not use fookin brick acid as its corrosive towards metals
someone told my mate to soak it in brick acid, he did it looked shinier than new over night, fantastic...........then as soon as he touched it the blade fell of all the rivets had disolved...:RpS_laugh:...:RpS_laugh:...:RpS_laugh:

haha my mate did this aswell but left it to soak over the weekend when we came back in on monday all that was left was the handle floating on the top, ive never laffed soo much, he was gutted though hed had that trowel about 15 years it was his baby
Just did mine in acid its fine just keep an eye on it around four hours to get the hard layer off my MT, Done its loads of times to same trowel.
Acid is corrosive and will knacker a good finish trowel. Why have you got a hard layer of crap on yer trowel anyway, have you no pride in your kit ? Just clean it properly at the end of every shift then it wont be caked in crap.
Acid is corrosive and will knacker a good finish trowel. Why have you got a hard layer of crap on yer trowel anyway, have you no pride in your kit ? Just clean it properly at the end of every shift then it wont be caked in crap.

Just to much work on, I clean it every day it just a hard film that builds up over time we all can't be as amazing as you, does your misses help you on with your red underwear over your trousers of a morning :rolleyes) your awesome and don't let anybody tell you different!
Just to much work on, I clean it every day it just a hard film that builds up over time we all can't be as amazing as you, does your misses help you on with your red underwear over your trousers of a morning :rolleyes) your awesome and don't let anybody tell you different!

Thank you. You didn't find the link then ?
I got a mango chutney tub the other day noel. Youre right about them not being water tight.

If you look in the lid Steve it looks like theres a space for a rubber seal, i think they maybe take them out for some reason at the curry house. Handy though if your on a job for a while.
Yes mate a link explaining the change in the law as a result of an MP's daughter dying changing a socket !!! Was on another thread but you never replied, just wondering if you managed to find it or not ?

God that was a while back lost interest in that one more interested in cleaning my trowel now! and trying to show tools some respect.
Just to much work on, I clean it every day it just a hard film that builds up over time we all can't be as amazing as you, does your misses help you on with your red underwear over your trousers of a morning :rolleyes) your awesome and don't let anybody tell you different!

was that a bite FFW........................:RpS_laugh:
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