Sand Cement Internal - Creamy


New Member
dear all,

I'm a diyer and would love some advice. How do I get my sand cement render creamy? Mine seems heavy and falls off easy... I'm using 4-1 with plasticiser at 1-30 parts water.

On YouTube they suggest 4 sand, 1 cement, 1 water. Is that a guide to amount of water? If I get it to a point that it stays in the wall it just slides of the hawk. If it sticks to hawk after mixing it's hard to get stick to wall?

If I do one sand cement backing can I do the next coat with bonding to rule off or should I just keep at it?

I'm mixing by hand on a mixing tray...with shovel... I mix dry for five minutes then wet for five.

Cheers for your time
Get a mixer, to get a good mix we leave the mortar to turn over in a mixer so all the ingredients are fully mixed and you will get that creamy spreadable mix you are after. I think you are going to struggle with your current approach.
Thanks for the quick response.

When you say mixer do you mean a mixer on a drill in a bucket, which I've got but was told better to do by hand?

Cheers Russ
Thanks guys.

I've only got a small wall so renting a mixer is still not an option.

Should I add lime even if using plasticiser as it says don't add lime on the instructions?
All jokes aside... do you really suggest putting fairy in the mix?

I've seen so many negative reports online and even on this forum about it?

How can I mix it by hand to get a great creamy mix. Should I add hydrated lime as well as plasticiser?
You need to use plastering sand (not builders sand), dry mix it with cement, then add water/plastisiser (not too much or the mix goes pissy). Mix for at least 10mins moving your shovel backwards and forwards in the barrow or tub. If your not sweating your b*ll***s off your not doing it right.
@Cornelius is right
Thanks pal...

Perhaps I'm just not mixing hard enough like you say... I'm doing everything else you say and have plastering sand etc.

I will give it another go tomorrow and see how I get on....
Get a mixer, to get a good mix we leave the mortar to turn over in a mixer so all the ingredients are fully mixed and you will get that creamy spreadable mix you are after. I think you are going to struggle with your current approach.
Would a 1/2 bag cement mixer do the job as I could hire one for the weekend?

The plasticiser is to get air in the mix, it also lubricates all the teeny weeny particles of sand and cement so that they flow nicely as a mix.........nice and creamy........ hand mixing requires a bit of effort.........raising your shovel so the mix drops back onto the board will simulate the action of a cement mixer. Too much plas or soap is an unacceptable short cut......good luck.
Evening Cornelius,

So I've taken your advice and hired a cement mixer. Any further advice on the perfect mix with this machine? Thanks again

I tiny drop of fairy is sound......


  • Sand Cement Internal - Creamy
    984.8 KB · Views: 458
Thanks pal,
What mix would you make for that brick wall in your picture? I just want to make sure I add the correct amount of water... someone said 4 sand/1 cement / 1 water?
Have a great day

3 quarter of bucket water
Half bag of cement (2 shovels)
4 buckets sand (8 shovels).
Pics of the job would be useful, make sure you measure out your ratios accurately, let the mix turn over for 10 minutes before you use the mortar. Learning to mix isn't as simple as it sounds, when I first started the other plasterers used to refuse some of the gear I mixed and told me to put it back in the mixer. Normally I would put too much water in and not enough additive. I use silver sand, 5 sand 1 cement 1 lime and a good "glug" of waterproofer
Thanks to everyone for the input.

I shall try in the morning with the mixer to go with 4 sand, 1 cement, 1 water with plasticiser. Let mix for about ten mins as suggested...

Should I dry mix first then add water or put half water in first so cement doesn't stick to inside of drum?
Hi there. What is purpose of plastering sand. Can u use it on stone walls internal. Can u dot and dab over it...