went to price a job yesterday unfourtanetly as soon as i met the bloke and he started talking i knew i was wasting my time, in this job you do develop a sixth sense about people ,are they going to pay/getting 10 other quotes/already got somebody but just want to check they are not being ripped off, some customers who have seen to many changing room programmes and when you tell them this is a dirty job they just look in disbelief, gave this bloke a good price he said excellent ,started to talk about when to start etc, said he would ring me back to confirm start that night, but i knew as i drove away it was a complete waste of time,still waiting for phone call, but to be fair i once went to price a job i had a bad feeling also ,turned out he was spot on paid on the nail straight away, but most times i am right and speaking to other lads/trades round here they say the same,in fact one plumber i do work for swears he he can tell on the phone if they are wasting his time