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I've not used one of these but I saw one the other week & I thought it would be more rigid than it is.
Steve do you not lay an area on and then rule of with a feather edge while it's still wet/fresh? It looks like it's laid/sprayed on and then trowelled over and left until it's picked up before being straightened up.
Steve do you not lay an area on and then rule of with a feather edge while it's still wet/fresh? It looks like it's laid/sprayed on and then trowelled over and left until it's picked up before being straightened up.

We feather edge it when wet to get it in to shape then close with a plastic trowel it pretty flat by then and for mono would be left untill scraping, with the CPI we leave it for a while longer then use the Speedskim to get it ready for sponging just like u would a float but you kind of tear it even flatter then it already is.

Its totally different to s+c andy. It works better as a one coat system just like mono. It had be rubbed sooner to get a finish, however can still be rubbed when it gone quite hard if need be. Its like the best s+c you could think of.

we did try flattening off after spraying the CPI with the speedskim and it worked ok.
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We feather edge it when wet to get it in to shape then close with a plastic trowel it pretty flat by then and for mono would be left untill scraping, with the CPI we leave it for a while longer then use the Speedskim to get it ready for sponging just like u would a float but you kind of tear it even flatter then it already is.

Its totally different to s+c andy. It works better as a one coat system just like mono. It had be rubbed sooner to get a finish, however can still be rubbed when it gone quite hard if need be. Its like the best s+c you could think of.

we did try flattening off after spraying the CPI with the speedskim and it worked ok.

Ah I get it you use the Speedskim instead of a float, interesting I wouldn't of thought of that.
When I spoke to a Euromix rep a couple of years back he said that although it was said to be a one coat system he recommended that it be used just like a traditional two coat.
The rep said the same to us. We tried it as 2 coat leaving 5 days in between. While it did work we think it would be best done in 1 coat in 2 passes totally meshes.We came to this conclusions for 3 reasones1. When we scratched we meshes most of it but not all as the old man said it was not need. Once dried the areas that had no mesh had hair line drying cracks the areas that did did not. ( once top coated it was fine but in a one coat system without mesh i think these would come through to the finished surface)2. The cpi rubbed up nicer when its thicker say 15 mm3. The time savings would be excellent.
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