Chris have you tried Thistle Durafinish for over skimming? According to the BG blurb it has good adhesive quailities and can be used on existing "sound wall surfaces"
nah mate, i heard a good while back that it was a beatch to trowel up or words to that effect, but you know, just different gear i suppose, once you get used to it etc...
So what theyve made then, is a really fine, progressive long setting, rock hard finish plaster you can stick through a machine or hand apply? and durafinish is similar just without the long set?
when you say it came back ok andy, did you have to wet it back up a bit or just lick the edge and lean on it a bit harder? thats the difference between boardy and multi really innit, multi will tend to come back... not so much board finish...
i can sort of see where theyre comin from with the spat idea... the bigger the trowel, the wetter the gear needs to be cos the pressure applied is less because of the surface area of the trowel...
suppose ill have to get a bag and have a crack... its sort of reminding me of trying to use long set one coat for skimming last chrimbo... took a bit of getting used to but once you get the idea its a piece of cake...
im thinking 'one room, one set' overskims... anything that makes the job easier and quicker helps keep you competitive... (or just make you richer :RpS_biggrin

also thinking back to me italian mate who lays on with a swiss trowel, loads it straight off the board or out the bucket - no handboard (sorry, hawk for the southerners) and by god, is he fast... soon as the labourers finished mixing - send him round with a spat, and you just follow him round with the trowel (probably a plastic one)... finish it with a stainless... 3 hours, room done... possible? without a machine?
i did think about using the long setting one coat in a similar way (you just need plenty of water and a good sponge) but as pointed out at the time.... its soft as sh't when its dry....
anyway.. enough of my procrastination... im off to cut some worktops today... :RpS_laugh: