Again thanks for the replies, happy you're in a similiar boat Windy.
dilute ya SBR 50/50 for your slurry
bang your scratch on with waterproofer in it.......i normally bang the top coat on while the scratch is still green then devil float it & let it all cure 4-5 days
then skim the lot
Hey Artisan, forgive me.....
1) Dilute ya SBR 50/50 for your slurry
SBR is a bonding agent, 50/50 is 50% water and 50% SBR. You then apply this mix to the bare brick which you have already cleaned off and applied Salt Neutraliser to.
2) Bang your scratch on with waterproofer in it
Scratch = Scratch coat which here is S&C with some waterproofer mixed in (alternatively Thistle Dri-Coat can be used).
Say the existing plaster that we're going to butt up against is 10mm. You apply this scratch coat how deep? a few mm i am guessing just to cover the bricks.
3).i normally bang the top coat on while the scratch is still green
Top coat here is again S&C
without waterproofer. This Top Coat will butt up and blend into the existing plaster which after 4-5 Days is ready to skim.
In between Steps 2 and 3, would it not be wise to add a tanking coat? to be sure for the sake of £30... or its just really not necessary as concrete + waterproofer is more than sufficient.
......You can't knock me for being keen now can ya