Well the conversion is 20 years old so I'd expect that in that time any problem would have emerged.
The joists sit on the 1.5 brick thick walls via an internal wall which I am not sure is structural. Some of the joists were only 100mm tall near the eaves, these were overlayed with perpendicular 100mmx 50mm joists to make them match height wise with the 200mm tall joists and give additional support where needed. I imagine that this was done when the conversion was done.
The only change in the joists I saw was some twisting evident in a few, nothing that I won't expect from a converted 100 year old propery.
Five screws across the width of a board is plenty.
I find it really difficult to figure out the false members from the stupid questions lately, to the point where I'm thinking of quiting the forum for good.
Newbie questions should be in their own section and if posts are from present members under different names then action needs to be taken. This forum is becoming a load of bollakks because of either stupid questions or false members, come on genuine mods do something about it.
Sounds like a crossword clue. Always put 5 in a row on 1.2 any more is over kill imo.You should use seven across a 1.2m board with a bound edge or eight across a cut edge.
id deffo pull it down and start again.
or id stop ferking worrying about it yer big jessie
Give it time and he might...in my experience the more you worry the more chance its gonna happen.
So I'm really worried the young piece just moved in next door will seduce me!
in my experience the more you worry the more chance its gonna happen.
So I'm really worried the young piece just moved in next door will seduce me!