The Corbyn fight back

Come on flynny they arrive at 80k because they earn just under it so they are not affected so you want me to draw you a picture I'm no Einstein but I'm a bit better at maths than Abbott, how are the poor getting poorer? The reason as I've clearly pointed out that the NHS is under massive strain as mass influx of immigrants and before we go down the oh your just saying it you racist, many of whom do work and contribute to the system but the NHS is only one size so more people in the country obviously services will be stretched, when the dr went on strike it was basically about pay but surely they knew what they was signing up to when they went to be employed and what wages were before they signed up? Before you start my sister is a midwife and I have the exact argument with her about it, why is it right that the ones who have created wealth created jobs are the ones that will be clobbered the most, let's use Richard Branson for example he was banging the labour drum just last week turns out all his money is abroad all communist countries have wealthy people yet that's where it stops your either really rich or really poor at least in Britain you have the chance to make a go of your life through education health and opportunities
I can't understand where plasterers who are working class have got to the point where they think they are bankers and no longer mix with, teachers, nurses, council workers, social workers, police and armed forces. Who haven't visited a hospital and can not see what's going on. Schools are getting rid of teachers left right and centre, school fees can be crippling but non of you are effected or can't see it, if the tories get back in you will have to wake up coz we are next. Listen to what labour are offering and as plasterers we will be the winners but you would rather work for f**k all and moan.

Come on flynny they arrive at 80k because they earn just under it so they are not affected so you want me to draw you a picture I'm no Einstein but I'm a bit better at maths than Abbott, how are the poor getting poorer? The reason as I've clearly pointed out that the NHS is under massive strain as mass influx of immigrants and before we go down the oh your just saying it you racist, many of whom do work and contribute to the system but the NHS is only one size so more people in the country obviously services will be stretched, when the dr went on strike it was basically about pay but surely they knew what they was signing up to when they went to be employed and what wages were before they signed up? Before you start my sister is a midwife and I have the exact argument with her about it, why is it right that the ones who have created wealth created jobs are the ones that will be clobbered the most, let's use Richard Branson for example he was banging the labour drum just last week turns out all his money is abroad all communist countries have wealthy people yet that's where it stops your either really rich or really poor at least in Britain you have the chance to make a go of your life through education health and opportunities

Welcome back my friend
Come on flynny they arrive at 80k because they earn just under it so they are not affected so you want me to draw you a picture I'm no Einstein but I'm a bit better at maths than Abbott, how are the poor getting poorer? The reason as I've clearly pointed out that the NHS is under massive strain as mass influx of immigrants and before we go down the oh your just saying it you racist, many of whom do work and contribute to the system but the NHS is only one size so more people in the country obviously services will be stretched, when the dr went on strike it was basically about pay but surely they knew what they was signing up to when they went to be employed and what wages were before they signed up? Before you start my sister is a midwife and I have the exact argument with her about it, why is it right that the ones who have created wealth created jobs are the ones that will be clobbered the most, let's use Richard Branson for example he was banging the labour drum just last week turns out all his money is abroad all communist countries have wealthy people yet that's where it stops your either really rich or really poor at least in Britain you have the chance to make a go of your life through education health and opportunities
How are the poor getting poorer? Keep up for f**k sake I've posted plenty of facts. Just to add Branson is buying up the NHS in the privatisation plan the tories are doing. You do know you will be paying for an appointment to see your doctor or just speak on the phone if the tories get in? You think that's ok? Nurses don't usually join for the money wake up and their wages have not gone up like everyone else's in the country but everyone else's around the world has.
Like I said stop the blame game let's look at where we are now, the tories have had plenty of time but the debt has doubled.

Being part of the eu means open board she's thanks to Blair, we are now leaving so issue will be resolved.
Being part of the eu means open board she's thanks to Blair, we are now leaving so issue will be resolved.
But that's not going to stop it coz the country needs them are you blind? And who is gonna house all the scroungers who get sent back here?
Didn't labour have 13 years to sort out what they wanted to do? They did exactly that mass immigration took us into wars we had no place in being called the electorate bigots got called racists now they wanna employ policemen on 8k a year (sorry I mis spoke lol) the sun is shining and I'm making hay and long may it last under labour it will be more debt all this crap about oh nurses are using food banks is bollox as well they say that cos it doesn't sound as good as bus drivers are using food banks does it the party for all well they ain't the party for me, do you back corbyn in his stance over the Jewish and why he never slapped down Livingston the left wing really do live in a stupid world all these plans but none would ever work
Wow you truly are blinded by hate, you would be happier if it was a bus driver WTF? Corbyn was against the war in Iraq you do atleast know that? So you agree on something.
Wow you truly are blinded by hate, you would be happier if it was a bus driver WTF? Corbyn was against the war in Iraq you do atleast know that? So you agree on something.

He was also against the eu and every treaty lol
He was also against the eu and every treaty lol
You have something in common :) he didn't like the way it was run just like you so was against it but knew it was impossible to just part company without it effecting British workers. Now the decision has been made he is fighting for the best for the British where as May is falling to pieces and making the job harder.
You have something in common :) he didn't like the way it was run just like you so was against it but knew it was impossible to just part company without it effecting British workers. Now the decision has been made he is fighting for the best for the British where as May is falling to pieces and making the job harder.

No she will put britains interest first and not the eu's like you would
Corbyn is a terrorist sympathiser wants to get rid of all nuclear deterrents wants to get rid of the army in the world we live in is that a wise move I'm not full of hate I just go on what I see hear and read same as you can make your opinion,but as a left winger you thoughts are rather mad and you can't debate properly with someone with your train of thought
Wow you truly are blinded by hate, you would be happier if it was a bus driver WTF? Corbyn was against the war in Iraq you do atleast know that? So you agree on something.
I didn't say I would be happier if it was a bus driver I was pointing out they use nurses as an example to try tug at the heart strings,no one should have to use a food bank I never have and hope I will never have to but I don't think that I will as I will always work or know a way to earn a few quid I've never signed on in my 18 years of being able to work either maybe I'm lucky but I put it down to me and willing to earn a tenner less a day if it comes to it ( tenner is an example by the way)
I didn't say I would be happier if it was a bus driver I was pointing out they use nurses as an example to try tug at the heart strings,no one should have to use a food bank I never have and hope I will never have to but I don't think that I will as I will always work or know a way to earn a few quid I've never signed on in my 18 years of being able to work either maybe I'm lucky but I put it down to me and willing to earn a tenner less a day if it comes to it ( tenner is an example by the way)
Well best hope you never get ill or you may become a scrounger, don't think it can't happen, there are a million things that can change your life in a split second and sometimes there is nothing you, family or friends can help with.
The Corbyn fight back
Flynny at his best
Lol the country is progressively getting worse.... Not just labour, I also think the Tories are failing and didn't really want an election, but people said she was unelected (though that's irrelevant really). I am in favour of Tories this time as well they did ask the people about the EU and they are going through with it, I don't trust Labour to take us out the EU. Are Tories the better party? Probably not but at least the have bowed to the people and gave us referendums. Look on the bright side at least Osbourne has gone.
Lol the country is progressively getting worse.... Not just labour, I also think the Tories are failing and didn't really want an election, but people said she was unelected (though that's irrelevant really). I am in favour of Tories this time as well they did ask the people about the EU and they are going through with it, I don't trust Labour to take us out the EU. Are Tories the better party? Probably not but at least the have bowed to the people and gave us referendums. Look on the bright side at least Osbourne has gone.
Lol the prime minister legged it hahahahahah labour are making plans for brexit the tories are going backwards.
Lol the prime minister legged it hahahahahah labour are making plans for brexit the tories are going backwards.

Tories make plans too...... Just they don't work as well as they say ...... oh wait they all do that. Just at the moment Tories are in power so it shows. Until this EU is done with I won't vote Labour, I just don't trust them to get us out..... No other reason, next election we will see.