The Corbyn fight back

Tories make plans too...... Just they don't work as well as they say ...... oh wait they all do that. Just at the moment Tories are in power so it shows. Until this EU is done with I won't vote Labour, I just don't trust them to get us out..... No other reason, next election we will see.
They have no plan. So it shows so your happy for them to carry on messing it up? This thing won't get done for six years if the tories stay in power.
They have no plan. So it shows so your happy for them to carry on messing it up? This thing won't get done for six years if the tories stay in power.

When did Mrs May say she doesn't have a plan ? Direct quotes please
They have no plan. So it shows so your happy for them to carry on messing it up? This thing won't get done for six years if the tories stay in power.

I feel if we do a so called soft brexit then we can forget it..... we won't get a deal we are happy with unless we have freedom of movement, if we have that then we may as well stay in. The country has been getting worse through Labour and Tories through at least the last couple governments that is a fact we can all see. I don't hate Labour and I don't love Tories. All politicians are human and greedy. Labour party seems like it's fighting Corbyn all the time and I don't trust Labour to miraculously turn it all around and get us out of the EU.
I feel if we do a so called soft brexit then we can forget it..... we won't get a deal we are happy with unless we have freedom of movement, if we have that then we may as well stay in. The country has been getting worse through Labour and Tories through at least the last couple governments that is a fact we can all see. I don't hate Labour and I don't love Tories. All politicians are human and greedy. Labour party seems like it's fighting Corbyn all the time and I don't trust Labour to miraculously turn it all around and get us out of the EU.

No such thing as soft or hard brexit. Only brexit
I feel if we do a so called soft brexit then we can forget it..... we won't get a deal we are happy with unless we have freedom of movement, if we have that then we may as well stay in. The country has been getting worse through Labour and Tories through at least the last couple governments that is a fact we can all see. I don't hate Labour and I don't love Tories. All politicians are human and greedy. Labour party seems like it's fighting Corbyn all the time and I don't trust Labour to miraculously turn it all around and get us out of the EU.
Corbyn has said freedom of movement surely we all want that? May has said nothing even using it as a bargaining chip, if we want the way deal we can't go on like that we wouldn't do that in any type of negotiations to get a good deal, we are dealing with 27 other countries who we want to do business with, it's crazy the way she is carrying on.
Corbyn has said freedom of movement surely we all want that? May has said nothing even using it as a bargaining chip, if we want the way deal we can't go on like that we wouldn't do that in any type of negotiations to get a good deal, we are dealing with 27 other countries who we want to do business with, it's crazy the way she is carrying on.

You still want freedom of movement ? You do know South Korea have a free trade agreement with no freedom of movement
One suspects it's you that is making it up as you go along
I'm not in charge and I've not changed my mind like her she has backtracked on so much but one thing she is concerned about her local hospital car parking fees. Corbyne said today he would get rid of all parking fees at hospitals that punish the sick, their families and also the staff. The tories were up in arms and Lo and behold, May has been trying to sort this for her own constituency, forget the rest of the country WTF?
I don't want freedom of movement. Like if we go somewhere other then the EU is fine with me. Would like a trade deal ...... but it won't happen because the EU do not want us to succeed.
Having 300,000 plus people coming in every year is not sustained, flooding the labour markets will just keep wages low
Having gang masters taking advantage of people and employers employing them is what's keeping wages low, desperate people is what's keeping wages low, share holders is what's keeping wages low, the tories is what's keeping wages low, not immigrants.
Having gang masters taking advantage of people and employers employing them is what's keeping wages low, desperate people is what's keeping wages low, share holders is what's keeping wages low, the tories is what's keeping wages low, not immigrants.

So during the last labour government there was no low pay is that correct?
Try and answer atleast one post in this forum instead of trying to deflect ffs
You remind me

I'm not posting up fictitious crap though.

So what was the income tax threshold under labour compared to now ? Because if there truly is a war on the low paid by the nasty tories it will be a lot lower than your lot had it at correct?