Thistle multi finish or carlite???

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Things seem to be done differently in all sectors of uk, some like products and methods that others don't. We were forever using carlite until the multi finish came in. Plus points being price and setting time. Working on a site at the minute where builder wants to use carlite, haven't really used it last few years, must say its win me over again, think it polishes up much better and allows you to put a lot more on per mix, so my question, which do you prefer to skim with, and why, or do you use neither. Cheers, Stuart.
i prefer hardwall to browning, i did like to skim in carlite finish have not seen carlite finish for a few years.
im in london and havent seen carlite finish in over 10 years if not longer,you couldnt use it on plasterboard if i remember correctly
Carlite finish was for high suction backgrounds - BG discontinued it in favour of multi, they reckoned its just as good (after testing it in the lab). What they told us anyway.
can rember using it when first started was great stuff could get loads on wall etc
where would the builder get it from if it not made anymore ???????
im in london and havent seen carlite finish in over 10 years if not longer,you couldnt use it on plasterboard if i remember correctly
We have always skimmed over plasterboard with it, never any problem, I'm amazed that none of you have seen it in years, still being produced en mass in Northern Ireland.
yes BG got rid of all the good plasters , now they have kindly put the intructions on the bagS so the public and diyers can have a go thanks BG :RpS_thumbdn:
yes BG got rid of all the good plasters , now they have kindly put the intructions on the bagS so the public and diyers can have a go thanks BG :RpS_thumbdn:
Aye, noticed that the other day.. :RpS_thumbdn:
Do you really think that putting mixing instructions and approximate timings on a bag is going to help Joe Public and the DIY'er capable of getting a wall on? Personally think that the likes of You Tube will lead them in to a false sense of security and then they will phone a spread to put it right.
yes BG got rid of all the good plasters , now they have kindly put the intructions on the bagS so the public and diyers can have a go thanks BG :RpS_thumbdn:

hrrmm not sure that will help many people to diy their own plastering tho lol
Not seen carlite finish for years myself, (martinMc) yes it was great for using on sand and cement, took ages to go off but you could put double the area on and it would trowel up lovely.
we use carlite al the time, over al backgrounds,use mutli finish once here,they cant get rid of multi in hardwares
Whats carlite...........:RpS_confused:

arti you must have used carlite finish, it was the finish to put on all carlite products, browning, bonding, metal lathing. a r******d finish for high suction, these irish lads are putting it on plasterboard as well something that i have never heard off.
we use carlite al the time, over al backgrounds,use mutli finish once here,they cant get rid of multi in hardwares
are you floating in browning or hardwall?
i did not like it on sand and cement to slow or our you putting lime in the s and c ?
arti you must have used carlite finish, it was the finish to put on all carlite products, browning, bonding, metal lathing. a r******d finish for high suction, these irish lads are putting it on plasterboard as well something that i have never heard off.

Ive only been a spread for 6 years marra...was a late developer...........ill have a read of the JB Taylor and see whats this carshite stuff is all about........:RpS_thumbup:
Ive only been a spread for 6 years marra...was a late developer...........ill have a read of the JB Taylor and see whats this carshite stuff is all about........:RpS_thumbup:

i do not think it will be in the jb taylor book. carlite plasters first came out about 1964. a lighweight plaster [for highrise buildings] with better insulation properties. carlite replaced the thistle browning and fibrours browning plasters that you had to add sand to. carlite has now been replaced by hardwall which is browning with extra cement in the mix as browning was considered to soft. browning was a soft backing with a hard finish.
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