Thistle Uni-Finish Update

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They were last logged in at half 6 this evening. Either someone's doing overtime or the idiot who invented it is trawling the forum looking for 1 person who likes uni finish to justify them keeping their job lol
he he it's gonna get interesting to say the least. Wonder if any heads will role for unifinish?

Who's responsible for it's development? and the marketing? And who the fcuk tested this ****?
Had a ceiling completely shell off in this product before xmas.. Rep came and took samples and the remainder of the bag and said he would get back to me,, still waiting....thats what you call great customer service!!!!!!
Had a ceiling completely shell off in this product before xmas.. Rep came and took samples and the remainder of the bag and said he would get back to me,, still waiting....thats what you call great customer service!!!!!!
Far from good, treating you like an idiot which is never good ....
Can we not just brush it under the carpet and blame the French?:RpS_wink:

Most definately is.
If they would care to give british gypsum back to the british , i`d buy some shares.
If only to go to the share holders AGM to tell the board how sh*t their bags are .
Saint-Gobain (the french parent company of BPB plc of which british gypsum is a division of) share price fell 1.97% today however when you are worth 18 billion euros, i think a few spreads in blighty aren't going to make much difference.
Well I'd like to see them have the balls and decency to answer beddys question. Have to say bg are lucky there is very little competition. If Knauf had the brains to make their products accessible I'm sure bg might be a bit more apologetic and be more keen to keep customers happy
carlos if you try to live within the walls and ceilings its generally alot warmer rather than living not far from them.

just a little tip from me to thee:RpS_thumbup:
Please be aware that any response will probably havevto get authorised first so kplease be patient about the reply times.... they are here reading and b listening so work with them....

Welcome to the forum British Gypsum.

So with all these pallets & pallets of uni-finish being recalled what will happen with it?
Will we be seeing it again in our multi & board finish bags?
We know out of date batches of finish plaster get added to fresh batches in very small amounts.
So with all the thousands of uni-finish bags you will be having back will the powder be getting added to our finish plasters?
The problems i see now that they've recalled a product and even if they fix the problems who upon relaunch is gonna take a risk buying it ??

Especially when

A) People who have used this product and had it shell off have had B.G reps round and basically heard nothing
B) B.G havent had the customer services in place to at least contact them regarding monetary loss

B.G should be paying out to spreads who've lost money on materials and labour .... the fact they just seem not arsed says it all about a company

Be good if they can answer this thread but no doubt it will get deleted or over looked.

Goodluck on the relaunch - in a marketing sense your on a hiding to nothing now because no one will touch it ....only way you'll get this back off the ground is to 'give' free bags away and only through customer satisfaction will you make this successful (eventually)
and honuring it with a money back gurantee to reassure spreads that if they use and it fails then they'll get compensated accordingly

To others that have lost out i'd look into the Sales and Goods Act - you have a case now they have recalled ... I'm not trying to stir the pot so to speak but as youve not addressed point A & B I'd be inclined to file small claims as it isnt fit for purpose.....i write this as Im sick and tired of big firms thinking they can screw there customers over ...
We had issues with Spray Finish Shelling of LaFarge sound board on one site


On the same board Multi Finish was fine.

It took them ages to come out to look at it, then ages to get any info from them and in the end they blamed the boards even though Mutli was fine.

We switched to knauf and haven't looked back
when you think about it unifinish with an added pva was a crazy idea. the pva was never against the area that you wanted it but mixed into the plaster
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