Anyone suffer from this? Had mine for about 8 years. Been through the usual check ups and treatments via ENT. You learn more about it as your condition spikes. Physcology plays as big a part as physiologly . I'm very laid back which I think helps me deal with it, I never lose my temper and am very placid.
That said I'm currently in the dark zone which means my tinnitus is a lot louder than usual ( due to an ear infection). Mine is a high pitch continious ring , imagine a door bell constantly ringing. It's extremely difficult not to be irate but I'm putting a front on for family. I'm familiar with the coping mechanisms and I know hypnotherapy works wonders. None of that helps right now.
Tonight , like the past 3 nights will be grim. It will wake me constantly so will sleep on sofa. I know this will pass in a week hopefully less then it will reduce to a manageable level. Would not wish it on anyone.
Oli, just asked the wife who has worked in ENT .
Joan says low background music can help. there is a hearing aid available that will deaden the sound.