Private Member
Which is your preferred material, been old school,I prefer sand and cement, its cheaper and I can have what strength I like,I can add what additives I choose to , it has stood the test of time,,
9 m in 27 yrs ,I can take that,not sure pre bagged polymers would of saved the day,I see loads of new coloured render falling apart,cracked,stained,un even all the timedint fair so well last wk john!!!:RpS_biggrin:
9 m in 27 yrs ,I can take that,not sure pre bagged polymers would of saved the day,I see loads of new coloured render falling apart,cracked,stained,un even all the time
Too late,just pushed the cat off the big cushion onto the small cushion in a only playing've forgoton more about rendering than I will ever know mate!!!:RpS_thumbsup:
Too late,just pushed the cat off the big cushion onto the small cushion in a rage..
sure is alot cheaper the last time i used k rend it iook four bag to make one barrow full 40 quid i call get 3 barrow full sand and cement out of a big mixer for about 15 quid premixed renders are a massive ripoff when u look at it. its sand and cement with couloring in itWhich is your preferred material, been old school,I prefer sand and cement, its cheaper and I can have what strength I like,I can add what additives I choose to , it has stood the test of time,,