travis perkins just the start


Well-Known Member
dreadful news today from travis, 2,500 jobs to go ,....165 branches to close,..........this is just the start buisnesses up and down the country in all areas, clothing/furniture/jewellers etc will use this virus as an excuse to get rid of staff close branches,sadly going to get much worse,
It's a shame for the people made redundant. The company on the other hand have been a shower of sh1t for years.

Plenty of others to take up the slack so I doubt it'll make much/any difference in the grand scheme of things.
dreadful news today from travis, 2,500 jobs to go ,....165 branches to close,..........this is just the start buisnesses up and down the country in all areas, clothing/furniture/jewellers etc will use this virus as an excuse to get rid of staff close branches,sadly going to get much worse,
Cheerful as ever hector lol xx
I do for the Diame bar cakes (y)
travis perkins just the start

This is yum - ice cream cake :)
These big companies were jumping for joy when cov hit us , they will all use this as an excuse to do this , I wish I had set up my merchants last year I’m dying to take these sharks on
If you look closer at the detail, Travis, wickes there’s a few others, all part of the same group. It’s just dumping the less profitable sites or where’s there’s 2 near each other. They actually own a lot of there sites outright which is rare,a lot of the sites are in good centre locations and are worth more for housing or other commercial ventures.
Yeah, we both get lost in there and can't find each other or the way out. It's the modern version of the catacombs.

Cause a divorce that place
have you got a dunelm shop near you brimstone /john,a walk round there i lose the will to live,mrs.hector goes in looking at sheets/quilts/fabrics,i just cant get excited about it,i sit outside now while she goes in just writing and thinking about dunelm my nervous twitch has started again
If you look closer at the detail, Travis, wickes there’s a few others, all part of the same group. It’s just dumping the less profitable sites or where’s there’s 2 near each other. They actually own a lot of there sites outright which is rare,a lot of the sites are in good centre locations and are worth more for housing or other commercial ventures.
talking to my travis rep today... he said aload of benchmarx didnt open today... and redundancies will be announced today.

hes not hopeful on keeping a job as area management are 1st to go
have you got a dunelm shop near you brimstone /john,a walk round there i lose the will to live,mrs.hector goes in looking at sheets/quilts/fabrics,i just cant get excited about it,i sit outside now while she goes in just writing and thinking about dunelm my nervous twitch has started again
Yep my old lady loves dunelm too! :llorando:
Travis are just too f**k**g dear.
You shouldn't have to argue every time you go somewhere then haggle and feel bad.
It's all bad business - and karma that they're suffering.

They should make you feel happy or want to go there.
I won't miss them if they all shut. (TP)
Knightmare mate. I was in there once for nearly an hour looking at all the different towels, never ever again!! f**k that! Hahahahaha!!
i have been there cockney,she says 10 minutes ,but no not now ,what about this curtain or that quilt cover,or this pillowcase, noooooooo i just cant do it anymore, i have tried and failed , but at least i never have to go back in now,nooooooo