Not the trowels they once were i popped the rivets on the one i bought in 2010
i stick to MT extra lite theses days for float and set work and good solid German
steel trowel for rendering.
That said its your hard earned at the end of the day spend wisely.
I dont think anything is like it was... :-(
@irish_spread has just brought a few tyzack he might be able to put up a link matecan anyone recommend a descent dealer for these trowels please. There's plenty online but I'm just a bit worried they might be s**t when they arrive in the post. I don't have a single merchant that can get them, travis, jewsons, bradfords, build base!!! No one.
I've bought quite a few of them for me and mates etc. Got them from a few different suppliers and I don't know why but all are sent in envelopes, but none were damaged I have to say. Last order was epic tools on eBay, quick free delivery. Would recommend the 13" ones, NOT the 14"" cos the 14 is too rigid .Cheap as chips and lovely to use
we posted at the same time mate sorry
Sweet, think I will have that
That's a C7B by the looks of it. A good solid floating trowel. At the same time as this 2 Centenarys were up for sale and both wentGot it, I can see where I'm going to use it already
That's a C7B by the looks of it. A good solid floating trowel. At the same time as this 2 Centenarys were up for sale and both went
Cheers Gibbo, this little beauty is mint, as good as the day it was made, and it's good old Sheffield steel