Well with stripping of the walls paper from the main stair wall ,removal of a dado, plus knocking out a door frame £185 2 days work..oh yeah and patch some blown plaster and fill behind from ripping out the door frame.
I haven't got a clue to price for this sort of thing, and think i'm way undercutting myself.
Ive told the customer than i will remove the rest of the paper on the stairs and landing, plus fit new skirting and architrave, before any plastering starts...the job is fooking huge.
Idiot.Well with stripping of the walls paper from the main stair wall ,removal of a dado, plus knocking out a door frame £185 2 days work..oh yeah and patch some blown plaster and fill behind from ripping out the door frame.
I haven't got a clue to price for this sort of thing, and think i'm way undercutting myself.
Ive told the customer than i will remove the rest of the paper on the stairs and landing, plus fit new skirting and architrave, before any plastering starts...the job is fooking huge.
You're charging £185 for 2 days work and youre going to fit new skirts and arcs before you plaster?
twas what I was thinkin? Why fit skirts etc before plaster?
Working for under a ton a day .........with 15 years experience lol
If you are taking out the door lining what is being done with that then?try and rip the top off the wallpaper first,then soak with a sponge and scrape,much quicker than steaming.do the repair work first then plaster then once dry fit the woodwork.you seem a bit under gunned in the knowledge department.
I went to prep and PVA a ceiling this morning ready for skimming on friday as i was doing another job a few doors down the street. and the woodchip was still on the ceiling. The customer had pulled some paper off where a massive crack was and left the rest. After politely explaining that i told her she could leave the paper on if she wanted it overboarding but it needed to come off if she just wanted it skimming.
She told me a never explained that and i asked her to read the estimate i had sent her at which she had agreed with when asked me to do the job. If i had turned up on friday with the paper on i would have got back in the van and went home....................some people..........:RpS_thumbup:
i always tell the customer not to bother to remove paper from ceiling as i am going to overboard it. saves a lot of problems, ie cracks ,limewash, plus you earn a little more and give a better job.
185 for 2 days work no good mate talk about driving prices down.
If they want you to prep say yes drop 200 quid on and then drop a 40 a day slave there with a steamer cmon this is simple.
I think the answers change with every question jcr , never adopt this policy if you get arrested, stick to the story...
it all comes down to money, I try to convince them its a pain in the arse to remove woodchip so leave it up and ill overboard, but then im having to replace the coving as well and the cost just spirals.....but you know how it is anyway malc
you never answered my question you said this job was huuge but it doesnt sound like alot of work at all
Don't take it personally jcr ,but you say these people are friends of yours but do not understand English very well, have been ripped of by a builder before, a builder before you ran away as he was over awed, then you take it on but are not a builder either, am I right in this summation or not. If not I apologise
the answer to your question im sure has been mentioned just charge what you charge for a day anyway, whats the point in doin something thats not your job for less money when you could be down the road doing some proper work for a full days money.....simples
Priced A big dining room up the other day, customer wanted me to price for removing wallpaper and make good of walls! I just explained that his guess is as good as mine as to the condition of wall condition!! So just priced removing wallpaper on day rate, then once removed advise and quote for making good/re skimming!!
again something that was mentiond earlier in the post (not a dig at your spreading pink but jcr is saying we havent helpd him and what i and you have just said IS the solution and HAS already been mentioned)
Install skirting ?
Best of luck jcr, I can see you are a trier and I hope you earn a decent crust for your efforts, don't be put off by the questioning on here, feel free to ask anything anytime, pm if its easier,
It's the same for everyone, we are all learning,best to question something than remain ignorant, even with 25 plus years experience I find that I learn everyday something new,not a bad lot on here once you get settled in. I used to be on a bouncers forum and the hatred and vile was much worse there but I persevered and the site closed down as they were not able to argue and win the argument, you are entitled to your view same as anyone here and I respect that..I'm still learning mate, and dont have all the answers.
Yeah ill most prob pm, and ive seen how plasterers get treated on youtube to see the culture of hate that goes around.
Cheers all the same.
I'm still learning mate, and dont have all the answers.
Yeah ill most prob pm, and ive seen how plasterers get treated on youtube to see the culture of hate that goes around.
Cheers all the same.
somehow these 2 phrases dont fit in with the "ive been doing it 15 years"
well ive been in this game 10 years and i knew the answer to your question
Ah right i see.
And what specific question was it ?.
erm ??? How to price the job ??:rolleyes)I dont know how to properly price for this kind of thing so any advice appreciated.
Just been to price a job, but the owners want me to remove all the wall paper.Its the first time ive been on a job where i have to price for removal of the paper.Would like to hear anyone who as done this.
I dont know how to properly price for this kind of thing so any advice appreciated.
I haven't got a clue to price for this sort of thing, and think i'm way undercutting myself.
them, look all im saying is for 15 years in the game you should know more that this, ive not slated ya at all, but prep work and prices is stuff you should know after "15" years.
oh and you have a 17 year old doesnt really mean alot johniosaif has a 16month old doesnt mean he knows fack all about plastering (he doesnt but thats besides the point:RpS_biggrin![]()
£10 an hour are you kidding? Is that how highly you rate yourself?