Weber Monocouche - should it REALLY look like this?


New Member
Our builder, Bovis Homes and NHBC seem to think this is acceptable.
House was built over a dry summer (2014).
Extremely worried we can see the Celcon blocks underneath.
What do you guys think?


  • Weber Monocouche - should it REALLY look like this?
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  • Weber Monocouche - should it REALLY look like this?
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Our builder, Bovis Homes and NHBC seem to think this is acceptable.
House was built over a dry summer (2014).
Extremely worried we can see the Celcon blocks underneath.
What do you guys think?
Yeah I’ve seen that before with that type of finish , not quite as bad as that though. Give it six months and it will be filthy with dirt too.
ghosting at it's best that's why I always do a base coat stops this
IVe always called it grinning, what’s happened? Blocks not fully dried out before rendering? Damp cavity? What’s the cause of it? Quite common problem I see on the newer houses
it's ghosting mate material might be on too thin then you get this also the cement joints lighter can show through I never get this when using a base coat at roughly 6mm
It’s with top coating on block with no base, water holds in the compo bed a lot longer than it does it the block. If would of been sealed it may of prevented it a little longer.

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Laid on too thin and should always base on celcon or similar block. Goes to prove what we all know.. big boy house builders are full of sh*t and have got the nhbc in their back pocket...f**kin jokers the lot of em
I gets wet when it gets rained on it’s a porous breathable surface. Whether it’s 10mm thick or 30mm the outcome would be the same. Its the base and mesh that prevents the block reading through

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I gets wet when it gets rained on it’s a porous breathable surface. Whether it’s 10mm thick or 30mm the outcome would be the same. Its the base and mesh that prevents the block reading through

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It’s not, it’s the overall thickness of the render and the ability to deal with soaking/ drying. basecoat or not has very little to do in this case. Moisture is getting behind which in normal circumstances , @15mm say, it’s not very likely.
if you can spray a good 15mm onto block that will be ok I only use a base coat cos it cuts down on mixing cos I haven't a machine so horses for courses
Don’t often get this problem in good old sand cement finishes:)
Too much mortisicer used by block layers can cause the joints to show in the scratch coat.Theres one block layer local to me and he must have an additive fetish,Empty 5 gallon drums of the stuff everywhere.
Mad monks on the money on this one,it's too thin otherwise you would see it on all mono jobs up and down the country,his guess is probs right one coat sucked in causing this coz it's not deep enough,spraying is fine you get yer depths mixing by hand big areas different ball game,
Our builder, Bovis Homes and NHBC seem to think this is acceptable.
House was built over a dry summer (2014).
Extremely worried we can see the Celcon blocks underneath.
What do you guys think?

Contact Weber, get their advice then go back to bovis and nhbc if Weber believe application error has happened.
Nhbc are useless mind, and not fit for purpose.
Thought that's what micro was for to even out the suction? I recon it's dried at different times i.e. Blocks and mortar which will have a slight colour difference. Shows up more in the rain also I think this should be done in two coats personally.
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Bovis use a lot of celcon/lightweight block which is not suitable for mono of any kind. Any celcon block should have a base coat either rend aid micro hp 12 being the main 3 . The bovis sites we do have all changed now to 7nwt solids.
More to the point why build a brand new house in block work and render!!!!

Render is shite end of!... only good for hiding discrepancies or otherwise known as fook ups in the building game!

Wouldn't have a rendered house given me personally!
ghosting at it's best that's why I always do a base coat stops this
Our builder, Bovis Homes and NHBC seem to think this is acceptable.
House was built over a dry summer (2014).
Extremely worried we can see the Celcon blocks underneath.
What do you guys think?
Bovis build both skins with thermalite block round my ways and prime the block before colour render goes on to control suction but it don’t do f**k all and all the houses look like this when it rains and I’m on a Barratt site rite next door there built with concrete block and no probs at all
Bovis use a lot of celcon/lightweight block which is not suitable for mono of any kind. Any celcon block should have a base coat either rend aid micro hp 12 being the main 3 . The bovis sites we do have all changed now to 7nwt solids.

Thank you! That’s incredibly interesting.
I don’t suppose you have any technical reference I can quote do you?
More to the point why build a brand new house in block work and render!!!!

Render is shite end of!... only good for hiding discrepancies or otherwise known as fook ups in the building game!

Wouldn't have a rendered house given me personally!

More to the point why build a brand new house in block work and render!!!!

Render is shite end of!... only good for hiding discrepancies or otherwise known as fook ups in the building game!

Wouldn't have a rendered house given me personally!
Because of a massive brick shortage, sand shortage, skilled bricklayers and maybe quicker to finish the insides? And I agree rendering is a poor mans brick ;)
Thank you! That’s incredibly interesting.
I don’t suppose you have any technical reference I can quote do you?
Contact weber s technical department and they ll let u no what materials should hav been used on the block . It ll b worth finding out the details of the celcon blocks used on the house 1st but u ll get all.that off the manufacturer aswell. And bovis+nhbc will hav to give u all the information u need. If ot put it all ova facebook etc u ll b suprised how quick bad press gets them moving
Can also happen if the suns directly on it for too long???
I spray on site most days and the block works so bad in places it must be 10mm max in others prob about 25mm and as long as it drys naturally you’re normally ok!! know one ever says anything to the brickies though lol
Webber do a colour match pair so worse case that’ll cover it up.
Has anyone else noticed the increase in people doing Monocouche as a two coat system?
Obviously a contradiction in terms.