What will happen next?

Should be any Muslim who has been in touch with someone who carries out one of these atrocities in say the past year should be deported no matter if they had anything to do with it or not. The mosque that they attend should be closed down and all members and there families deported. Let's see how keen they'd be to murder our kids then.
I really don't get it....there has been a Muslim community in this country for years. People came here from other countries to do jobs we didn't want. They often worked hard and tried to better themselves, believed in education and wanted their children to have aspirations and a better life than theirs. What happened? Where did the hate come from?

Do we have to bring in more draconian punishment for assisting terrorism? The death penalty ?
I really don't get it....there has been a Muslim community in this country for years. People came here from other countries to do jobs we didn't want. They often worked hard and tried to better themselves, believed in education and wanted their children to have aspirations and a better life than theirs. What happened? Where did the hate come from?

Do we have to bring in more draconian punishment for assisting terrorism? The death penalty ?

the dirty f**k*r suicide bomber has already introduced the death penalty.
ive no quarms in sticking there heads high up on a pike and saying this is what happens when you preach against the country that helps you.
Because we became too tolerant and they went for the race card and they got more now they abuse what we have given them
Give a few of us in a room one of these that allow themselves to be brainwashed then we see who the coward is
I have some very good friends who are muslims and they helped me when i was critically ill travelling... without them I would not be here... thats all I am saying in this political debate...
im dreading the rest of the poor souls names coming out who died last night....
kids obliterated.
makes me f**k**g ill.
anyone blaming anyone else other than islam needs there heads testing.

I blame US foreign policy. Israel and Saudi Arabia.
What happened? Where did the hate come from?

Doyou not watch whats going on in the middle east/ That part of the world has been devastated by Britain and the US. Millions of people dead and their countries turned upside down. Thats where all the hate came from.

And for the record, i dont not for one minute think what they did was right. It was wrong on so many levels. Its just sickening what they did however, i understand why they did it. You just cant go around the world in these times destroying the very fabric of their society and expect no retaliation. I know they live differently than us but who are we to judge them when the way we live is so f**k*d up aswell.
Doyou not watch whats going on in the middle east/ That part of the world has been devastated by Britain and the US. Millions of people dead and their countries turned upside down. Thats where all the hate came from.

And for the record, i dont not for one minute think what they did was right. It was wrong on so many levels. Its just sickening what they did however, i understand why they did it. You just cant go around the world in these times destroying the very fabric of their society and expect no retaliation. I know they live differently than us but who are we to judge them when the way we live is so f**k*d up aswell.

On channel 4 news earlier, are they taking the piss ?
What will happen next?
What will happen next?

I see the RAF have a reply ready for them !
What will happen next?
Trouble is people are scared to speak up but what we all say indoors should now be acceptable to say in public domain we can't keep saying we will stop it cos it happens again every time
It just highlights what I've said for many a year you can only be classed as racist if your white British yet you think these other races and ones who have shut themselves off from world in our country ain't racist? They worse than us
Just watching news now and there showing pics off folk living in Britain who are actively recruiting for Isis. How can we allow them to stay? If we were over there actively recruiting we'd get deported.
You would have your head cut off!
So tell me how do you round up all the muslims and put them on a plane? Come on serious how you planning on doing it?
Oh...yeah...didn't think of that...thought it would be a nice easy job.
Oh well. Leave them to keep slaughtering our children then. After all they've got an excuse so it's alright.