What will happen next?

I know an english plasterer who has already converted :endesacuerdo:
Says he's joining the winning team...

Seriously thou, if that video is anything to go by, the muslims re taking over and theres f**k all any of yous can do about it. To be fair thou, England invaded all corners of the globe so tbh, yous cant really cry about it much really. Its just the empires time is up and theres honestly no way back once the muslims get into parliament in huge numbers then theyll change the very fabric of your country.
Seriously thou, if that video is anything to go by, the muslims re taking over and theres f**k all any of yous can do about it. To be fair thou, England invaded all corners of the globe so tbh, yous cant really cry about it much really. Its just the empires time is up and theres honestly no way back once the muslims get into parliament in huge numbers then theyll change the very fabric of your country.
I just really hope I can get the hell out of this shithole before its too late.
I just really hope I can get the hell out of this shithole before its too late.

Another english man whos balls have dropped. Your ansestors will be rolling in their grave because they went around the world raping every land they could to leave to men like you. You should be ashamed of yourself lol
my local spark helped put this on the moon....
and these little fellas are running around area 51.


  • What will happen next?
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  • What will happen next?
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Chill. I didn't say what YOU said was a load of rubbish!
What they are saying IS.
A percentage (not ALL) of people here votes for whatever party gets to be in charge. They however are told what to do anyway which is why there are so many u turns in policies. Doesn't matter WHO gets voted in.
Why should the people therefore be punished, attacked and killed.
Our children don't even vote.
Why should they be killed?
FFS target the right enemy.
Indeed. Most of the world's problems would soon end if it was the politicians getting attacked directly, m8.
the lockerbie attack was in 1988.....we never invaded lyberia....
after we put sanctions on them.
gadaffi apoligised and offered million in compensation.....to lift these sanctions.

now gaddafi's son only a few days ago has threatened many more attacks on britain.

oil seems to be a common excuse....if it was for oil why havnt the west invaded saudi arabia and its neighbours.

we havnt invaded africa for oil and its rife with islamic extremism.
Gaddafi had been a major pain in the arse for many years but had pulled his neck in, in the late 1990's so the UK, US etc had begun to have much better diplomatic relations with Libya. Libya was removed from the US list of state sponsors of terrorism. Gadaffi condemned the 9/11 attack and was involved in the so called "War on Terror" against Islamic terrorists.
Libya under Gadaffi was being paid by the EU to stop African migrants crossing from there into Europe.
It seems that even though he had been an arsehole he had become very useful.
Gaddafi's son wants to attack the UK because of the UK's involvement in the Libyan civil war.

The west can't possibly invade all oil producing countries all at once. Some of them, including Saudi Arabia are (sort of) allies that the UK and US do a lot of trade with. British companies like BP have been in Saudi Arabia for years anyway. Plus the Saudi forces are well armed with modern, British equipment.
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What wars have Sweden Belgium and Germany been in they are still having Islamic terrorist bombers though?
Sweden: War in Afghanistan. Libyan Civil War. War in Mali.
Belgium: War in Afghanistan. Libyan Civil War. ISIS.
Germany: War in Afghanistan. ISIS. Mali
How come you have such strong opinions but don't seem to know very much about the subject, m8? lol
Sweden: War in Afghanistan. Libyan Civil War. War in Mali.
Belgium: War in Afghanistan. Libyan Civil War. ISIS.
Germany: War in Afghanistan. ISIS. Mali
How come you have such strong opinions but don't seem to know very much about the subject, m8? lol
Have you read why they are actually there MATE
Many Islamic terrorists do not want European countries forces in countries or parts of countries that are predominantly muslim. It is viewed as being invaded or occupied by infidels. Al Qaeda stated that one of it's reasons for the 9/11 attacks was because of the UK, US and French forces stationed in Saudi Arabia. Many muslims around the world wanted these forces out of Saudi Arabia.

I'm not going to list everything that Belgium, Germany and Sweden have been involved in but here's a few examples. Belgium has forces supporting military operations in Afghanistan. Germany has been fighting in Afghanistan. Sweden has assisted France to transport it's troops and supplies to fight Islamic forces in Mali.