Good little tip when skimming come in off ceiling/ internals/skirtings slightly on first stroke then go up to on flatten stroke so not to ski ramp or loose detail on cove or skirtings etc
In every room there's always walls areas that will get more critical light ie where day light runs across or walls with uplights/ down lights etc always try and catch them when the lights on them and spent that little more time on them.
Always give walls a good hard dry trowel when walls turning...
Learn how to 1 coat plasterboard trust me it can be done and can earn you a lot of money and save a lot of time and get extra sets in.
Always allow an extra day when saying to customers how long a job will take to give you a bit of breathing space.
Don't book jobs in front specific start date advise a w/c with a view to firming up few days before thus allowing time if hit any problems on jobs before or squeeze in a screamer that you'd otherwise loose.
Only skim dry PVA,
Bead up in between trowels,
Scrim as you go along boarding and stick couple of staples in if going to be a while before skimming.
Always allow for waste materials and round up when pricing...
Price in fuel...
Price in upkeep of tools and maintenance of vans...
Always start early...
Small quick gauged 3/4 easier than 2 big and produce more...
Never rush out of a job without being your own biggest critic...
No your limits...
And the biggest and most important learn how to blend flawlessly then there's never a ceiling or wall that you cant take on...
Stairs pull all top area off baton then pick rest up as a blend instead of up and down ladders...
Only pay yourself a minum wage and bank the rest to cover slow times...
Wear gloves my hands are fooked!!!
Could go on for ever but hey ho...