Working alone !


Well-Known Member
Who works alone .? a bit of a lone wolf anyhows .... .
However due to cbigger jobs @demands 2/3 men ...
But I am seriously sacking of the bigger jobs end of year , nothing but hassle of time keeping
& is it ok mate if I have day off I got bit by something & slept in ... hahaha

your welcome
Who works alone .? a bit of a lone wolf anyhows .... .
However due to cbigger jobs @demands 2/3 men ...
But I am seriously sacking of the bigger jobs end of year , nothing but hassle of time keeping
& is it ok mate if I have day off I got bit by something & slept in ... hahaha

your welcome
Im training dog to mix up and make tea but opposable thumbs seem to be the problem! Gonna get her a special gloves or something!
classic film vintage GIF by FilmStruck
Best thing is to do get 10 semi retired lads in your phone contact list. And just phone who ever available when you need a hand! With semi retired lads x police fire service bt. They know the score Becouse they have had the lfe experience. They knock spots off the younger generations and half ther age.
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