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  1. whitebeam

    Speedskim or eze spat?

    I wish :rayos:
  2. whitebeam

    Speedskim or eze spat?

    Be honest I'm warming to the speedskim on a pole for ceilings...and I'm 60 and should know better.
  3. whitebeam

    I take it this is a scam

    That is one of the funniests posts I've read for a long time...brilliant:LOL:
  4. whitebeam


    Still use a 11" Tyzack carbon for making good.
  5. whitebeam

    Blue Bosh, Green Bosh, Makita, Hilti....

    I've still got one of those, not used nowadays.
  6. whitebeam

    Used my new mediflex today

    I beginning to think I may have not bothered asking, stick with my metal trowels.
  7. whitebeam

    Used my new mediflex today

    Is it the plastic one that you use rather than the metal version....
  8. whitebeam

    Used my new mediflex today

    What size seems to popular, wasn't going to buy any more tools but this trowel sounds good.
  9. whitebeam

    Used my new mediflex today

    Somebody do a link for the Mediflex, haven't clue what your talking about....dinosaur.
  10. whitebeam

    What was your 1st motor?

    An old mini back in 74, turn the key and push button on the floor to start.
  11. whitebeam


    Looks like a pooper scooper.....
  12. whitebeam


    You could dry line the walls, that would allow you 32kg m2 in tile weights.
  13. whitebeam


    BS states 20gk m2, your bog standard ceramics 6-7mm thick would be fine...
  14. whitebeam


    Depends on the size/weight of the tiles with the skim coat....
  15. whitebeam

    Float a wall then paint

    British Standards state 6 weeks, 3 weeks in the summer.
  16. whitebeam

    Screwfix skrim

    I used some orange colour scrim recommended on here, it stayed up.
  17. whitebeam

    Skim painted ceiling

    Go over with sureliner then re-board....
  18. whitebeam

    On Mobile Driving

    Just like smoking with kids in the car.
  19. whitebeam

    On Mobile Driving

    It's an offence to hog the middle lane...
  20. whitebeam

    On Mobile Driving

    Don't even look at the phone when driving, if it rings then it will go into a message service.
  21. whitebeam

    Carbon Steel or Stainless Steel

    I prefer carbon, as for me leaves a better finish personally but still have a couple of SS.
  22. whitebeam

    Thermal finishing plaster

    Just my view, why add modern materials to old lime mortar property's
  23. whitebeam

    blocking up doorways

    If the whole wall needs sorting out dri linning would sort it...
  24. whitebeam

    Put some more adhesive under it!

    Hope your earning, so much work there to sort out crap...
  25. whitebeam

    Worn Trowel on Ebay

    I prefer the wood handles...
  26. whitebeam

    Put some more adhesive under it!

    To be fair it's not the worst screed I have ever seen, so think yourself lucky :rayos:
  27. whitebeam

    can anyone tell me what this is please?

    Looks like efflorescence under the paint from your leak....
  28. whitebeam

    Put some more adhesive under it!

    Just to add, builders don't you just luv em :cachetada:
  29. whitebeam

    Put some more adhesive under it!

    On a bad day you couldn't screed that crap, as said that looks a weak mix.
  30. whitebeam

    Worn Trowel on Ebay

    Is this for real, who would buy an old worn trowel for more than a new one :endesacuerdo: Link Removed
  31. whitebeam

    Uber, Checkatrade, MyBuilder etc.

    I always thought if you worked for a company for 6 weeks then they would have take you on the cards but if you supplied materials then you were a sub contractor.
  32. whitebeam


    I thought smig was someone/something out of Red Dwarf...
  33. whitebeam


    These tiles were 600x1200x and just under 5mm thick, the biggest are 3mx1.2x5.6mm
  34. whitebeam

    BBC poll

    I don't watch football anyway but that's getting a bit naff nowadays.
  35. whitebeam

    Sub out work?

    Pick the other trades wisely, I'd be wanting aroundabout 25% or more for bringing in other trades. Think of the time you will need to organise, phone calls and ear slapping off the customer if they don't turn up.
  36. whitebeam


    Welcome Tom...knowledge is power.
  37. whitebeam

    Whats it like Plastering onsite?

    Site are the place to get your speed up, domestic are place to get your blood pressure up :rayos:
  38. whitebeam

    Slow drying render!

    At 20mm thick :censored:
  39. whitebeam

    van and tax

    Just get a good accountant...
  40. whitebeam


    Can see Tattoo fixers on the cards...
  41. whitebeam

    Some S&C

    I remember seeing black plastic squares laying about which no one used.
  42. whitebeam

    Some S&C

    All internals were dri lined on the sites I worked on and that was in 74.
  43. whitebeam

    Some S&C

    No fines was a poured stone coated with cement coating and as the title states no fine sand added.
  44. whitebeam

    Some S&C

    All the no fines houses on wimpeys was dashed, the site I was working on was anyway.
  45. whitebeam

    Help and advice

    Did he use soft sand on coats of render.....
  46. whitebeam

    Some S&C

  47. whitebeam

    Some S&C

    You got 35+ years to look forward too :)
  48. whitebeam

    Some S&C

    The wavey line is supposed to stop stress in the render when it's drying out so alleviating any cracking.
  49. whitebeam

    Some S&C

    I'm 60 as you a bit to long in the tooth to want to change now, find I don't understand the materials that are mentioned half the time.