Private Member
Gordon I watched this documentary (can't remember which one it was but will try find it later) and it was about the availability of drugs in u.k,from recollection it went back to early 1900 when drugs were regularly used and no laws (I think) then 1920 something alcohol was ok and drugs weren't (by law) around 60s I think teddy boys would raid pharmacys to get "good" drug to have ,sell and supply later year more "groups" of the communities started growing and traffic in drugs into u.k,70s,80s more ready available (no government stopping it or police), 90s rave explosion and freely available from a person who knew a local dealer,2000s I don't know but presume any drug can be gotten hold of within 10 minutes of anywhere you live in u.k,so just wanted to know do you still think it is person fault they might try or did something not go to plan in last 100 years ?