Does anyone actually love plastering still


Private Member
as title says does anyone actually love plastering still or is it a means to pay the bills I have high and low moments all year round but never got to the point where I say that will do,I've had many a bad customer as well as good I get walls I stand back and think that's pukka but then get walls although alright when pink look shocking before painting,I've got a trade where I can always earn,but at times miss that fire in the belly,

I still get a kick out of actually creating something that will last as opposed to shuffling paper about or making landfill.
Mate I get jobs that are a shambles and turn it around and I'm proud like job I done a render job a detail above front door was damaged so I took a squeeze of it and made a new one then planted back on it come out pukka and loved that moment then bang something goes wrong and I hate it again
Im only a year in so not qualified to answer but dont think i'll ever hate it as much as my office least this time around im the boss


  • Does anyone actually love plastering still
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  • Does anyone actually love plastering still
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And message to @theclemo dont bother replying I know your answer great thread though and I will win me and u a mug and a pint glass I'm battling hard here Danny I see clemo pain don't make me go through it as well
Still enjoy it. But it's all about who you work with and what you're doing. Being part of a squad with good lads. Makes life. Much more enjoyable. Been on a few Rehab jobs and rough "brickys" work (term used loosely) has made it head melting and less enjoyable, but then once ur on a decent job again u nearly forget how s**t that one was lol
I do genuinely still enjoy my job, its other trades and the odd customer that piss me off.
I think a lot of why I started thread was i truely believe this is year Plasterer's are taken serious as a trade again
plastering is easy money, it has never been easier, pre mix plaster, pre mix renders, screed pumps, if the chaps who taught me they would not believe it.
if i am not on the way home after 6 hours and covered my money then i have had a bad day . overseas holidays several time a year, expensive cars, i can purchase anything you want.
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Never gonna happen I spent 3 years at college to be a plasterer not a diy expert and giving it a go in people's homes

The thing is, you're always icing the cake. Yeah it's the bit that everyone sees, all very nice, but satisfaction of a job well done aside, you get paid and everyone else gets the benefit so to speak. Now if you teamed up with someone who has zero practical skills but money, you could turn over a few properties...Either to rent or flip.
You get paid to do up the properties, you get the satisfaction of a job well done, and when you've slammed the door on the way keep on getting paid!
The thing is, you're always icing the cake. Yeah it's the bit that everyone sees, all very nice, but satisfaction of a job well done aside, you get paid and everyone else gets the benefit so to speak. Now if you teamed up with someone who has zero practical skills but money, you could turn over a few properties...Either to rent or flip.
You get paid to do up the properties, you get the satisfaction of a job well done, and when you've slammed the door on the way keep on getting paid!
I remember days when people were pleased to see the plasterer even got a drink I'm from an era although only been in game 18 years where a plasterer was a plasterer a sparks was a sparks Chippy was a Chippy now it seems that the rise of multi trade has taken edge off how good and skilful we really are
I remember days when people were pleased to see the plasterer even got a drink I'm from an era although only been in game 18 years where a plasterer was a plasterer a sparks was a sparks Chippy was a Chippy now it seems that the rise of multi trade has taken edge off how good and skilful we really are

Mate I respect all the trades...who am I...I dunno some days, but as I said, personal satisfaction, pride in ya work is always the most important. I have a lot of pride in my work, but I also need a challenge, to keep learning and unfortunately I need to earn money...wish I didn't. Think outside the box a bit, you may be a plasterer, but you're smart enough to tackle other stuff, understand the processes etc.
I meet quite a few general builders/trades who are top notch, but they're not really utilising their skills in a way that gives them financial satisfaction. Job satisfaction perhaps, but what after that?
:wtf: You tell that multi turd @Pagey i even hit the dislike buttons on his post then undid them when I read your response.. ffft, :descansando:

Anyways still love me job, best thing to keep me motivated.. top secret projects.. gotta few lined up to change and evolve plaster world a little more, tbh think I'm nearly peaking in my career , thought 2014 was my year then each just keeps getting better, my new peak target year is 2020 few more years after that think I'll be retiring :descansando:

Key to plastering happiness new buckets, brushes and tools... oh and a tidy van too

One love :birras:
:wtf: You tell that multi turd @Pagey i even hit the dislike buttons on his post then undid them when I read your response.. ffft, :descansando:

Anyways still love me job, best thing to keep me motivated.. top secret projects.. gotta few lined up to change and evolve plaster world a little more, tbh think I'm nearly peaking in my career , thought 2014 was my year then each just keeps getting better, my new peak target year is 2020 few more years after that think I'll be retiring :descansando:

Key to plastering happiness new buckets, brushes and tools... oh and a tidy van too

One love :birras:
pete I am what I am a mere plasterer and that's all I intend on doing
Better than sitting in the house skint knocking one out to the totty on jeremy kyle i suppose ?
I still enjoy it change of scenery different peeps seeing a good job done at the end etc but best bit is saying tata to happy customers with the money in my bin !
On the odd days its a pain i wish i took a carpenter trade when younger, i love woodworking .
as title says does anyone actually love plastering still or is it a means to pay the bills I have high and low moments all year round but never got to the point where I say that will do,I've had many a bad customer as well as good I get walls I stand back and think that's pukka but then get walls although alright when pink look shocking before painting,I've got a trade where I can always earn,but at times miss that fire in the belly,


I've said this before but i used to hate it, really hate it. I'd go to work in a mood, get through the day then come home and be in a mood til 1-2am in the morning when i'd go to bed. Used to stay up late every night to feel like i was delaying going in the next day and then in 2011 i went to work for openreach. Loved it for a few months and then about 6 months in the reality of being tied to a laptop that plans your day and managers that only care what their laptop says about the stuff your laptop says was awful. Got sacked after about 16 months or so! Didn't see eye to eye with the gaffer and unlike the building trade when you call someone a c**t in that sort of job they actually take it personal!

My wife was 7 months pregnant with our 2nd child at the time so i went and did ground work with a mate for a year or so to avoid going back to plastering but when finances got tight i had to face the reality that i could provide better on the tools and i started working with my best mate (we didn't work together before) That was at some point in 2013 and since then i've not really "hated" a days work. We're slowly growing a business and earning some nice money as we do it while havin a f**k**g good laugh. Home by 3-3:30 daily (latest).

Believe me when i say we all have bad days but i promise that like plastering alot more than you know.