Site work around Yorkshire is $hit, plain and simple.
last I saw was a few weeks ago £2.50 skim £2.40 d&d, as said on a previous post, you have to fu ck about taking tools home every night and in every morning, fight with other guys over big areas, fight with H&S over glasses, chase your money and it's just 1 massive ball ache, too many main contractors still use the recession as an excuse to pay poor m2 prices.
Another problem is site work is dressed up to sound great, we've all heard "massive runs" "loads of areas" and found it to be bull$hit when there.
5 years ago I was driving 120 miles a day, working 8 hours and getting £64.00 then minus fuel when said "big areas" weren't ready, oh yeah in -10 on some days, on good days I could knock out 70-80 m2 but it was very rare such areas where ready.
id rather work in Tesco than drive up m1, bust a bollock working in freezing cold with a risk of not getting paid at the end, to line some ***** pocket who sits in an office fingering his QS.
i stick to domestics, insurance, small commercial priced work and rendering, pay is way better and answer to nobody.
only downside is you do need to invest in your business, but it was probably the best decision I ever made to set up on my own.