I lonely

Got to page 4 and had to stop reading the Dr Phil bull s**t. Man the f**k up. f**k me this world Is full of pussys. f**k me someone sneezes . And now they've got depression. Reach out for help lol. If u want to jump off a cliff just do it. And don't be annoying other people with there bulshit. I really think there is a good market and selling ropes.

Theclemrope is now available. Free to tpf members.


  • I lonely
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What you all doing
I've offered yo a job and a free holiday thanks would be nice. I've notice that when people offer you some help you don't answer back thanks is a very small word. If you are at the end of your tedder. we are here to listen and in my case take it serious becouse I lost brother 3years ago to depression . So if your serious about things and you do make me wonder sometimes get help or take some advice on this site.
I've offered yo a job and a free holiday thanks would be nice. I've notice that when people offer you some help you don't answer back thanks is a very small word. If you are at the end of your tedder. we are here to listen and in my case take it serious becouse I lost brother 3years ago to depression . So if your serious about things and you do make me wonder sometimes get help or take some advice on this site.
I feel down to day...............someone .mention free hol
Billy has 5 albums by Morrissey and he buys 2 more, what does Billy have?
Depression, Billy has depression.
Haha, should see my record collection, all smiths and morrisey, Leonard Cohen, Radiohead, the cure, low, bonnie price Billy (I see a darkness), smog, mogwai, nick drake elliot Smith. Sad songs make me happy.
A dog would be good for Andy in general ,good company, loyal , gets you out into the fresh air twice a day and the exercise but from reading some posts going back to when he joined probably isn’t a good idea atm , on one thread I read he was thinking of jumping off a bridge or something similar to be frank that’s very serious stuff to be posting

Andy do you drink a lot ?
A dog would be good for Andy in general ,good company, loyal , gets you out into the fresh air twice a day and the exercise but from reading some posts going back to when he joined probably isn’t a good idea atm , on one thread I read he was thinking of jumping off a bridge or something similar to be frank that’s very serious stuff to be posting

Andy do you drink a lot ?
Yeah he drinks went to jump off bridge pissed up in dark mate .Didn't you hear. Found out it was a speed ramp
You homos.

It's hard to understand depression if you haven't had it, or aren't prone to it. As Tyson Fury said, he is nearly 7ft, man mountain, was on top of the world, multi-millionaire, beautiful family, everything he wanted. But depression took him to his knees, he got his lambo up to 170mph and was about to end it but had a sudden change of mind.

It's easy to say "f**k that s**t, too busy for depression etc" it's a horrible illness. Everything looks different, smells different, you're like a f**k**g zombie. Depresonailsation, de-realisation, etc, it's like you're not even in this world. I fully understand people topping themselves when in that mindset.

But it can be managed. Positive thinking won't do it. Nor will medication. Find the route cause, and face it. Deal with things and it diminishes.
Nice one mate, can't, get out of bed and face people this morning had no drink etherr, I reely reelly don't no what to do ,it like depression no when to strike ,ie at home ,at holidays, at work, when I was doing site work about 15 years ago people on site said I looked depressed in them days I was doing haft a house boarding doting skimming on me own,sorry don't no what the f**k am on a bout
Nice one mate, can't, get out of bed and face people this morning had no drink etherr, I reely reelly don't no what to do ,it like depression no when to strike ,ie at home ,at holidays, at work, when I was doing site work about 15 years ago people on site said I looked depressed in them days I was doing haft a house boarding doting skimming on me own,sorry don't no what the f**k am on a bout

Just relax today mate and set some small goals for tomorrow